Weed Competition and Herbicide Response of Rice under the Foggy Condition II. Growth and Weed Competition of Rice

안개조건하(條件下)에서 벼(Oryza sativa L.)의 잡초경합(雜草競合)과 제초제(除草劑) 반응차이(反應差異)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) II. 벼의 생장(生長)과 잡초경합(雜草競合)

  • Published : 1995.08.30


The objectives of the present study were to find out the differences in growth and weed competition of rice under the foggy and non-foggy condition, and finally, the fundamental data for the establishment of the paddy weed control system under the locational foggy regions. The research was carried out on tin trays ($0.12m^2$) in greenhouse equipped with an Auto Foggy System(SAE KI RTN Co.). The results are summarized as follows: Exp. I. Difference in rice growth under the foggy and non-foggy condition. 1. While the plant height was not affected, the number of tillers was decreased by the foggy condition. The ratio of the number of effective tiller, however, became higher under the foggy condition. 2. Due to the fog present, the heading rate was decreased and heading time was delayed. 3. The foggy condition did not affect the dry weight of rice straw whether they were grown under the foggy or non-foggy condition. However, yield components such as the number of ears, the number of grains per ear, thousand kernel weight and percentage of ripeness were reduced. Particularly, weights of perfect brown and unpolished rice were also decreased. Exp. II. Effect of the duration of competition between weed and rice grown under the foggy condition on the growth of rice plant. 1. There was no difference in the height of rice grown under a different duration of competition. There was a clear tendency that the number of tillers of rice grown under the foggy condition was decreased as the duration of competition was decreased. 2. When the duration of competition was longer than 60 days, the heading rate was decreased and the initiation of heading was also delayed by 2-4 days. 3. Under the foggy condition, the duration of competition for more than 40 days affected dry weight of rice straw and the difference in yield was greatest in the non-competition and competition for more than 40 days.

본(本) 연구(硏究)는 벼(Oryza sativa L. ; 품종명(品種名) : 동진벼 10일묘(日苗))를 공시작물(供試作物)로 하여 안개 및 비(非)안개 조건하(條件下)에서 생육반응(生育反應) 차이(差異)를 밝히고, 전형적(典型的)인 잡초종(雜草種)(피를 비롯한 6종(種)의 논 잡초(雜草))과의 경합양상(競合樣相)과 경합한계수준(競合限界水準)을 구명(究明)하여 안개 상습지(常習地)에서의 논 잡초방제체계(雜草防除體系) 확립(確立)을 위한 기초자료(基礎資料)를 마련할 목적(目的)으로 수행(遂行)되었다. 본(本) 연구(硏究)는 안개 제조(製造) 장치(裝置)가 설치(設置)된(Auto foggy system: SAE KI RTN Co.) 온실내(溫室內) Tray 시험(試驗)으로 수행(遂行)되었으며 시험결과(試驗結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 실험(實驗) 1. 안개조건하(條件下)에서 수도(水稻)의 생장량(生長量) 차이(差異) 1) 안개조건하(條件下)에서의 초장(草長)의 차이(差異)가 없었고, 분얼수(分蘖數)는 적으나 유효분얼(有效分蘖) 비율(比率)이 높고 무효분얼(無效分蘖)이 억제(抑制)되는 경향(傾向)임. 2) 안개조건(條件)에서는 출수율(出穗率)이 감소(減少)되고 출수(出穗)가 지연(遲延)되는 경향(傾向)임. 3) 안개조건(條件)에서는 수도(水稻) 고건중(藁乾重)에는 차이(差異)가 없으나 수양구성요소(收量構成要素)인 수수(穗數), 1수당(穗當) 평균(平均) 영화수(穎花數), 천립중(千粒重) 및 등숙율(登熟率)이 감소(減少)하고 특히, 정조중(正祖重)과 현미중(玄米重)에서도 감소(減少)하는 경향(傾向)임. 실험(實驗) 2. 안개조건(條件)의 잡초경합(雜草競合) 양상(樣相)과 한계기간(限界期間) 1) 안개조건하(條件下)에서 경합기간별(競合期間別) 초장(草長)의 차이(差異)는 없었고, 분얼수(分蘖數)에서는 경합기간(競合期間)이 짧을수록 특히 무잡초구(無雜草區), 경합(競合) 20일구(日區)에서 안개로 인한 분얼수(分蘖數) 감소(減少)가 많음. 2) 안개조건(條件)에서는 출수율(出穗率)이 감소(減少)하고 특히 경합기간(競合期間)이 길어질수록(60일(日) 이상(以上)) 출수율(出穗率)이 떨어지고 출수개시(出穗開始)도 2-4일(日) 지연(遲延)되는 경향(傾向)임. 3) 안개조건하(條件下)에서 고건중(藁乾重)의 차이(差異)는 경합기간(競合期間)이 길어질수록(일(日) 이상(以上)) 차이(差異)가 크고, 수량(收量)의 차이(差異)는 경합기간(競合期間)이 무경합(無競合)(0일(日))과 40일(日) 이상(以上)에서 가장 심한 경향(傾向)임.
