Comparison of Acute Toxicity of Pesticides between Carp(cyprinus carpio L.) and Israeli Carp(Cyprinus israeli carpio L.)

농약(農藥)에 의한 참잉어 및 이스라엘잉어의 급성독성비교(急性毒性比較)

  • Rim, Yo-Sup (Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Wonkwang University) ;
  • Han, Seong-Soo (Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Wonkwang University)
  • Published : 1995.08.30


This study was carried out to compare the acute toxicity(96hr) of 13 chemicals to carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) and israeli carp (Cyprinus israeli carpio L.) and the activities of acetylcholinesterase (AchE) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) in israeli carp exposed to five insecticides (diazinon, malathion, carbofuran, cartap, methomyl). $LC_{50}$ values of acute toxicity of the chemicals to israeli carp were endosulfan 0.0061ppm, captafol 0.041ppm, chlorothalonil 0.073ppm, butachlor 0.48ppm, captan 0.14ppm, carbofuran 1.13ppm, cartap 1.15ppm, diazinon 1.35ppm, nitrofen 3.72ppm, methomyl 4.39ppm, propanil 10.61ppm, malathion 11.78ppm and isoprothiolane 12.81ppm. The acute toxicity of endosulfan 0.0061ppm was 2100 times higher than that of isoprothiolane 12.81ppm. $LC_{50}$ values of acute toxicity of the chemicals to carp were endosulfan 0.0026ppm, captafol 0.062ppm, chlorothalonil 0.078ppm, captan 0.14ppm, and butachlor 0.47ppm, carbofuran 0.52ppm, nitrofen 0.58ppm, diazinon 0.81ppm, cartap 0.82ppm, methomyl 5.03ppm, propanil 10.67ppm, malathion 11.92ppm, and isoprothiolane 13.20ppm. The acute toxicity of endosulfan was 5,000 times higher than that of isoprothiolane. The toxicity of diazinon, carbofuran, cartap, endosulfan, and nitrofen to carp was approximately 2-6 times as high as that to israeli carp, but the toxicity of malathion, methomyl and captafol to israeli carp was slightly higher than that to carp. AchE activity was inhibited by 31% and 52% after 96hr’s exposure of israeli carp to diazinon and malathion respectively. GST activity in israeli carp was significantly induced by methomyl exposure for 96 hr.

담수산(淡水産) 어류(魚類)인 이스라엘 잉어 (Cyprinus israeli carpio L.)와 참잉어(Cyprinus carpio L.)에 대(對)한 13개(個) 농약(農藥)의 급성독성(急性毒性) (96hr)과 이스라엘 잉어에 대한 5개(個) 살충제(殺蟲劑)(diazinon, malathion, carbofuran, cartap, methomyl)에서 acetylcholinesterase(AchE)와 glutathione s-transferase(GST) 활성(活性)을 측정(測定)한 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. 이스라엘 잉어에서 공시농약(供試農藥)의 $LC_{50}$치(値)에 의한 독성(毒性)크기 순서(順序)는 endosulfan, captafol, chlorothalonil, butachlor, captan, carbofuran, cartap, diazinon, nitrofen, methomyl, propanil, malathion, isoprothiolane순(順)이었고, 독성(毒性)의 차이(差異)는 endosulfan(0.0061ppm)이 isoprothiolane(12.8ppm)보다 2,000배(倍)의 독성(毒性)을 나타냈으며 참잉어에서의 독성(毒性)크기 순서(順序)는 endosulfan, captafol, chlorothalonil, captan, butachlor, carbofuran, nitrofen, diazinon, cartap, methomyl, propanil, malathion, isoprothiolane 순(順)으로 endosulfan(0.0026ppm)이 isoprothiolane(13.20ppm) 보다 5,000배(倍) 독성(毒性) 차이(差異)를 나타내었다. 독성(毒性)은 diazinon, carbofuran, cartap, endosulfan, nitrofen에서는 참잉어가 이스라엘잉어 보다 약(約) 2-6배(倍)의 독성(毒性)을 나타냈으나 malathion, methomyl과 captafol에서는 이스라엘잉어의 독성(毒性)이 약간 높았다. 준치사(準致死) 농도(濃度)의 살충제(殺蟲劑)가 이스라엘잉어의 AchE가 활성(活性)에 미치는 영향(影響)은 유기린계(有機燐系) 살충(殺蟲) 제(劑)인 diazinon과 malathion에서는 각각(各各) 약(約) 31%와 52%의 저해(沮害)를 나타냈으며 이스라엘 잉어의 GST 활성(活性)은 methomyl 처리시 유의적(有意的)으로 유기(誘起)되었다.
