Journal of Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (치과방사선)
- Volume 25 Issue 2
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- Pages.399-408
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- 1995
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- 1225-049X(pISSN)
함치성 낭의 임상 방사선학적 연구
- Lee Kang-Sook (Department of Dental Radiology, College of Dentistry, Kyungpook National University) ;
Choi Karp-Shik
(Department of Dental Radiology, College of Dentistry, Kyungpook National University)
- Published : 1995.12.01
The purpose of this study was to obtain information on the clinical and radiographic features of the dentigerous cysts in the jaws. For this study, the authors examined and analysed the clinical records and radiographs of 233 patients who had lesions of dentigerous cyst diagnosed by clinical and radiographic or histopathological examinations. And the obtained results were as follows: 1. Dentigerous cysts occurred the most frequently in the 2nd decade(38.2%) and occurred more frequently in males(67.4%) than in females(32.6%). 2. The most common clinical symptom was swelling of the jaw(33.9%), and the lesions were treated by the method of surgical removal. 3. The type of lesions was mainly observed as central type(72.5%), and size of the lesion was most frequently observed 2 - 2.9cm in the widest length. 4. The lesions were most frequently observed well-defined outline with hyperostotic border(49.8%), and smooth margin(73.4%), and homogeneous lesional radiolucency(79.4%). 5. Cortical thinning and expansion of the lesions(82.0%) were observed, and their direction were most frequently observed toward buccal side(64.0%). 6. The effect on the causative tooth were observed as tooth displacement(41.2%) and delayed root development(l9.3%), and the distance between cemento-enamel junction and lesional wall attachment of the causative tooth was mainly observed as below 2mm(79.6%). 7. The effect on the adjacent tooth were observed as loss of lamina dura(66.8%), root resorption(33.9%), and tooth displacement(31.5%). 8. The effects on the adjacent anatomic structures were observed as displacement of the mandibular canal(46.5%) and maxillary sinus or nasal cavity(72.2%).
악골의 매복치아와 관련된 단방성의 치관부 방사선투과상을 나타내는 병소들 중에서 임상적, 방사선학적, 조직병리학적 검사를 통해 함치성 낭으로 진단된 233증례들의 임상, 방사선학적소견을 분석하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 함치성 낭은 10대(38.2%)에서 가장 호발되었으며, 남성(67.4%)에서 더 많았다. 2. 주소는 무통성의 종창(33.9%)이 가장 많았고, 대부분 외과적으로 치료되었으며 적출술(76.6%) 또는 조대술(23.4%)이 사용되었다. 3. 병소는 중심형(72.5%)이 대부분이었으며, 병소의 크기는 2~2.9cm인 경우(33.0%)가 가장 많았다. 4. 병소는 상악에서는 전치부(32.6%), 하악에서는 구치부(22.7%)에서 호발되었으며, 원인치아는 상악 과잉치(34.3%)에서 가장 많았다. 5. 주변 정상 골조직과의 경계는 과골성의 분명한 골경화로 나타난 경우(49.8%)가 가장 많았으며, 병소의 변연형태가 평활한 경우(73.4%)와 병소 내부의 방사선투과상이 균일한 경우(79.4%)가 대부분이었다. 6. 병소와 관련된 피질골의 비박과 팽융이 대부분의 경우(82.0%)에서 나타났으며, 그 방향은 협측인 경우(64.0%)가 가장 많았다. 7. 병소가 발생된 치아의 전위(41.2%)와 치관발육의 지연(19.3%)이 나타났으며, 원인치아의 백악ㆍ법랑 경계부와 치아부착부 사이의 거리는 2mm미만인 경우(79.6%)가 가장 많았다. 8. 병소와 관련된 치아의 치조백선 소실(66.8%), 치근 흡수(33.9%), 치아 전위(31.5%)가 관찰되었으며, 하악관의 전위(46.5%)와 상악동 또는 비강의 전위(72.2%)가 관찰되었다.