Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science (한국산림과학회지)
- Volume 84 Issue 3
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- Pages.356-360
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- 1995
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- 2586-6613(pISSN)
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- 2586-6621(eISSN)
Estimates of Early Selection Efficiency for Height Growth Using Age-Age Correlation in Pinus koraiensis
수령간 상관을 이용한 잣나무 수고 생장의 조기선발 효율 추정
- Han, Sang-Urk (Forest Genetics Research Institute) ;
Yi, Jae-Son
(Collage of Forestry, Kangwon National University)
- Received : 1995.06.12
- Published : 1995.09.30
Korean white pine(Pinus koraiensis Z.) is one of the important silvicultural species due to its quality timber in addition to edible pine - nut production. Selective breeding method is under progress to improve growth and nut production for this species. This study was carried out to obtain genetic information necessary for establishing advanced generation seed orchard, such as genetic parameters and efficiency of early selection. Open - pollinated cones were collected from 50 plus trees. In the spring of 1986, test plantations were established at 3 different sites with 4 - year - old seedlings. Seedling height was measured from age 5 to 10 in plantations. Genetic and phenotypic correlations based on the log of the ratio of two ages (LAK) were expressed as simple regression with statistical significance(
잣나무림에 있어서 목재 및 종자 생산이 중요 경영 목적이므로 이러한 형질을 개량하기 위한 선발육종이 진행중에 있다. 본 연구는 잣나무의 유전모수 및 조기선발 효율 등을 추정하여 1세대 채종원을 전진세대 채종원으로 유도하는데 필요한 자료와 정보를 얻기 위하여 수행하였다. 1986년 50가계로 된 풍매 차대검정림을 3곳에 조성하여 6년간(5~10년생) 수고 생장을 조사하여 분석한 결과, LAR에 대한 수령간 유전 및 표현형 상관의 단순직선회귀는 유의차가 있었으며(