A Theoretical Treatment of the Resonances in the Predissociation of Lower Rovibrational Levels of the $A^2\Sigma^+$ State of OH


An exact quantum mechanical theory is employed to treat predissociation process of the $A^2{\Sigma}^+$ state of OH. The widths and positions of the lower (v= 2 and v= 3) rovibrational levels are calculated. Energy shifts of the resonances from the zeroth order (pure Hund'scase (b)) positions are shown to be small for N $\leq$ 10, indicating that the $A^2{\Sigma}^+$ state can be described as case (b) very well for low N. Due to the differential interactions of the $A^2{\Sigma}^+_{1/2}$ and $A^2{\Sigma}^+_{-1/2}$ states with $X^2II$and $2^2II$ states, small splittings between the $F_1$ and $F_2$ levels are predicted. Calculated lifetimes of the resonances agree with experimental results reasonably well.



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