Heats of solution of aniline (AN), benzylamine (BA), ethyl-(EBS) and 2-phenylethyl benzenesulfonates (PEB) are calorimetrically measured in acetonitrile-methanol mixtures at 25.0 $^{\circ}C$. The activation parameters, ${\Delta}H^{\neq}$, ${\Delta}S^{\neq}$ and ${\Delta}G^{\neq}$, are determined for the reactions of EBS and PEB with AN and BA using the kinetic data at three temperatures. Calorimetric transfer enthalpies of initial state, ${\delta}H_t^{0{\rightarrow}x})$(IS), and kinetically derived activation enthalpies, ${\delta}\;{\Delta}H^{\neq}$, in the MeCN-MeOH mixtures are combined to determine the transfer enthalpies of transition state, ${\delta}H_t^{0{\rightarrow}x})$(TS); ${\delta}H_t^{0{\rightarrow}x})$(IS) = ${\delta}{\Delta}H^{\neq}\;+\;{\delta}H_t^{0{\rightarrow}x}$(IS) The preferential solvation of anionic charge in the TS predicts a loose TS with a greater degree of bond cleavage for the reactions of PEB than for EBS, and also for the reactions with BA compared to the reactions with AN.