A Study on Characteristics of De-electrification and Discharge of Self-Discharged Electrostatic Reducer

자기방전식제건기에 의한 대전물체의 제전 및 방전특성

  • 박수덕 (한국산업안전공단 창원지도원) ;
  • 이동훈 (부산공업대학교 산업안전공학과)
  • Published : 1995.06.01


An electrostatic passive neutralizer without HV power source has been used widely to reduce charges on insulators such as running plastic films, papers and cloths, but its elimination characteristics and safely have been hardly investigated in detail. Especially, an operation of the passive neutralizer depends primarily on the charged insulator and the elimination ability does not depend on only the neutralizer, because an electrostatic elimination is caused by corona discharges occurring between the passive neutralizer and charged insulator. From a reason described above, the purpose of this study is to examine experimentally the elimination ability of the passive neutralizer. Experiments were made on the corona discharges between the passive neutralizer and charged insulator running at high velocity in practical field to make clear the setting condition of the passive neutralizer for operating effectively and safely. Results obtained from field experiments are presented in this paper.
