- 한국식문화학회추계학술대회 한국인의 식생활 양상의 변화가 건강 및 질병상태에 미친 영향 이일하
- 한국식문화학회추계학술대회 식품공업의 발달과 우리의 식생활 권태완;강수기
- 사망원인 통계연보 대한통계협회
- Kor J Nutr v.25 no.1 The importance of total dietary fiber in human nutrition and health Gordon,D.T.
- Am J Clin Nutr v.31 A review of research on effects of fiber intake on man Kelsay,J.L.
- J Food Sci v.49 Evaluation of water binding capacity(WBC) of food fiber sources Chen,J.Y.;Piva,M.;Labuza,T.P.
- J Nutr v.121 A small does of soluble alginate-fiber affects postprandial glycemia and gastric emptying in humans with diabetes Torsdottir,I.;Alpsten,M.;Holm,G.;Sandberg,A.S.;Tolli,J.
- Am J Clin Nutr v.30 Effect of citrus pectin on blood lipids and fecal steroid excretion in man Kay,R.M.;Truswell,A.S.
- Food Technol v.41 no.2 Soluble vs insoluble fiber-different physiological responses Schneeman,B.O.
- 한양대 식품영양학과 석사학위논문 식이섬유질의 종류와 함량이 장의 기능과 형태에 미치는 영향 박정난
- 한국영양학회지 v.17 no.4 지방의 섭취량과 첨가된 섬유소의 종류가 흰쥐의 체내 지질 수준에 미치는 영향 장유경;윤홍재
- Dietary fibre, fibre-depleted foods and disease Definitions of dietary fibre and fibre-depleted foods Trowell,H.;Burkitt,D.;Heaton,K.;Torwell,H.(ed.);Burkitt,D.(ed.);Heaton,K.(ed.)
- 한국영양학회지 v.25 no.1 Dietary fiber의 분석방법에 관한 고찰 권혁회
- 한국영양학회지 v.26 no.1 곡류 및 두류 식품의 식이섬유 함량 김은희;맹영선;우순자
- J of AOAC(15th ed) Official method of analysis of association of official analytical chemists
- J of AOAC v.71 Determination of insoluble, soluble and total dietary fiber in foods and food products : Interlaboratory study Prosky,L.;Asp,N.G.;Schweizer,T.F.;Devries,J.W.;Furda,I.
- 식품분석 신효선
- Methods in clinical chemistry Pesce,A.J.;Kapla,L.A.
- Gut v.10 A new method for studying gut transit times using radiopaque markers Heanton,J.M.;Lennard-Jones,J.E.;Young,A.C.
$SPSS/PC^ +$ 를 이용한 통계분석 채서일;김범종 - J Nutr v.113 Influence of dietary fiber on lipid metabolism in meal-fed rats Mueller,M.A.;Cleary,M.P.;Kritchevsky,D.
- Am J Clin Nutr v.32 Hypocholesterolemic action of dietary fiber unrelated to fecal bulking effect Jenkins,D.J.A.;Reynolds,D.;Leeds,A.R.;Waller,A.L.;Cummings,J.H.
- Am J Clin Nutr v.32 The effect of a natural high-fiber diet on serum lipids, fecal lipids, and colonic function Stasse-Wolthuis,M.;Hautvast,J.G.;Hermus,R.J.
- Am J Clin Nutr v.52 Comparative effects of three cereal brans on plasma lipids, blood pressure, and glucose metabolism in mildly hypercholesterolemic men Kestin,M.;Moss,R.;Clifton,P.M.;Nestel,P.J.
- 한양대학교 석사학위논문 곡류 섬유질이 간과 혈청의 지질농도와 무기질 흡수율에 미치는 영향 정경아
- Am J Clin Nutr v.31 Effect of fiber from fruits and vegetables on metabolic responses of human subjects : I. Bowel transit time, number of defecations, fecal weight, urinary excretions of energy and nitrogen and apparent digestibilities of energy, nitrogen, and fat Kelsay,J.L.;Behall,K.M.;Prather,E.S.
- Can J Physiol Pharmacol v.67 Effect of dietary fibers on glycemia and insulinemia and on gastrointestinal function in rats Begin,F.;Vachon,C.;Jones,J.D.;Wood,P.J.;Savoie,L.
- Br J Nutr v.47 Physiological effects of fibre-rich types of bread I. the effect of dietary fibre from bread on the mineral balance of young men van Dokkum,W.;Wesstra,A.;Schippers,F.A.
- Am J Clin Nutr v.32 Effect of fiber from fruits and vegetables on metabolic responses of human subjects Ⅱ. Calcium, magnesium, iron and silicon balances Kelsay,J.L.;Behall,K.M.;Prather,E.S.
- Am J Clin Nutr v.32 Effect of fiber from fruits and vegetables on metabolic responses of human subjects Ⅲ.Zinc, copper, and phosphorus balances Kelsay,J.L.;Jacob,R.A.;Prather,E.S.
- J Agri Food Chem v.29 Nutrient utilization by human subjects consumming fruits and vegetables as sources of fiber Kelsay,J.L.;Clark,W.M.;Herbst,B.J.;Prather,E.S.
- 한국영양학회지 v.24 no.1 식이섬유의 종류가 자연적 고혈압 유발 백서의 혈압변화 및 Na 흡수에 미치는 영향 최면;태원찬;김종대
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