A total of 394 plant species in 74 families planted in home gardens, public building gardens, campuses of elementaiy, middle, and high schools, and universities, recreation areas, city parks, loeal and national ways, and highways from 1.21 local areal in Korea were surveyed- A comparison of the surveyed species to nation-widei.y growing species in those areas were studied. the results obtained were as follows : 1. The ratio of evergreen to deciduous plant species was 38.1:61,9 and that of tree:scrub:vine was 54:40.9:5.1. 2. The ratio of evergreen to deciduous plant species was 27.5:72.5 among total 276 land-scape plant species surveyed in Seoul and Kyongki-do province. The ratios were 32:68 in Kwangwon-do, 36.1:63.9 ill Chungchongbuk-do, 37:61 iii Chungchongnanl-do, 36.4:63.6 in Kyungsangbuk-do, 39.2:60.8 고 Kyungsangaaal-do, 35.7:64.5 in Jollabuk-do, 40.6:59.4 in Jollanam-do, and 43.1 :56.9 in Cheju-do. This results tell that more evergreen species are growing in the southern than in northern region in Korea. 3. Plants with 100% frequency in national planting were 8 species inclubing Forsythia koreana 91-99% were 6 species including Taxus cuspidata, 81-90% were 13 species including Magnolia liilflora, 71-80% were 10 speces including Buxus microphylla val, koreana, 61-70% were 13 species including Thuja occiduntakus, 51-60% were 15 species including Pius thunbergii, 41-50% were 15 species including Kerria japonica, 31-40% were 17 species including Cryptomeria japonica, 21-30% were 28 species including Viturnum awabuki, and below 20% were 267 species including Koelreuteria paniculata. 4 Uppermost north latitude of planting distribution of major temperature species was sum- marized as follows: Although it has been reported that Cryptomeria japonica is possible to grow in areas around -47, the result from this study shows that Cryptomeria japonica grows normally in Choonchun Seoul, Samchuck, and Kwangryeung, etc. , and is possible to grow normally in the areas with approximately -6$^{\circ}C$ in an average temperature in January, where are -2$^{\circ}C$ colder than the reported temperature, but locally warm Phyllostachys bambusoides is distributed to Mt. Kumkang and Mt. Sulak, and also planted in Seoul, Kwangryeung, and Chunchon.