복합기준 평가방법 ELECTRE의 신뢰도 증진을 위한 방안 연구

Development of Methods to lmprove the Reliability of ELECTRE

  • 이인성 (상명여자대학교 환경녹지학과)
  • 발행 : 1995.04.01


ELEECTRE is a less demanding and potentially Bffective multiattribute evaluation method for pre-editing proeedure. The method, however, was developed based on probabilistic mathematicsand its reliability has never'been emprieally tested. This article examined the reliability of ELECTRo under various conditions of linear and non-linear utility func- tions using a Monte-Carlo shnulation, and found the method eausea a considerably high rate of error. To enhance the reliability of ELECTRE, two ways of modi(ication - adjust- ment of threshold values of concordance and discordance matrices, and adjustment of the required nunlber of probably-dominant alternatives to eliminate a probably-dominated alternative - were suggested, and their effctiveness was also tesed by a Monte-Carlo simulation. The simulation result chows that these modifications cponsiderably improve the reliability of ELECTRE, and yet maintain a reasonably high level of efficiency. Through these modifications, ELECTRE can be used as an efficient and feliable pre-editing method. Ways to implement ELECTRE in the construction of plainning decision support systens were discussed. The impli(els combination of this method and other multiattribute evaluation methods will help to create more effective decision suport systems.



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