Study on Baled Silage Making of Selected Forage Crop and Pesture Grasses II. Yield performance and nutritieve evaluation of baled silage as affected by stage of growth

주요 사료작물의 곤포 Silage 조제이용에 관한 연구 II. 생육단계별 건물축적형태화 곤포사일리지 조제이용

  • Published : 1995.09.30


Baled silage making(BS) of selected forage crops was discussed during 1991-1993, to determine the best cutting time of the plants for BS production, BS yields and silage quality. Seven species of forage crops and pasture grasses(rye, barley, spring oat, Italian ryegrass, orchardgrass, alfalfa and grass-legume pasture mixtures) were harvested at different stage of growth from young plant to physiological maturity, and baled in a self constructed square baling chamber. Each bales, measured 90cm length, 60cm width and 50cm height, were wrapped with 0.05mrn thick polyethylene plastic film, and stored in stack silo. Each bales were weighed between 15-20 kg in dry matter basis. The effects of pre wilting and formic acid addition on the silage quality of young plant materials, which contained high water concentration, was also evaluated during the experiment. Rye plant including of barley and spring oat were evaluated as a good materials for baled silage making. Fodder rye produced high quality BS with a value of silage quality point 84(Flieg's point) when the plant harvested at stage of greatest dry matter accumulation by 12.64 tonha. The best quality BS of barley was obtained at stage of hard dough to yellow stage by 11.9 ton/ha dry matter yield and 81 point silage quality. Italian ryegrass and pasture grasses including of orchardgrass, alfalfa and grass-legume pasture mixtures procuced also high quality bale silage by harvesting at stage of late blooming. However pre witting operation and formic acid addition was required for BS production of grass materials because of high water contents. Water contents of Italian ryegrass and other pasture species ranged 18.9%(Italian) to 20.8%(alfalfa). Silage quality point of Italian BS harvested at late blooing was increased from 72 to 88 by 1/2-one day pre wilting and 0.3% formic acid treatment. Silage quality of young plant materials of rye and other forage crops, barley and spring oat were also improved markedly through the pre wilting treatment and formic acid addition.

본 연구는 1991년부터 1993년까지 사료작물과 목초류 7종(호맥, 대맥, 연맥, Italian ryegrass, alfalfa, orchardgrass 및 혼과목초)을 공시재료로 하여 곤포사일리지(BS=baled silage making)조제이용을 위한 수확시기와 이때의 BS 생산성 및 품질을 평가하였다. 시험방법에 있어서 작물재배는 농촌진흥청의 사료작물 및 목초 표준경종방법에 준하여 실시하였다. 사일리지 조제작업중 BS는 자체적으로 제작한 각형 베일러를 이용 개체당 크기 90cm$\times$60cm$\times$50cm, 중량은 건물기준 20kg 내외, 곤포압착 21~23mm를 유지하여 조제하였다. 한편 고수분 재료는 수분정도에 따라 예건처리(무처리, 0.5일 및 1.0일)와 formic acid(무처리, 0.3% 및 0.6%)를 병행 처리하여 BS 를 조제하였다. 맨류작물의 BS 생산을 위한 수확적기는 대맥, 황숙기, 호맥과 연맥은 유숙기 이었으며 이때의 BS 수량은 각각 11.92톤(대맥), 12.64톤(호맥) 및 8.41톤/ha(연맥)이었다. Italian ryegrass 및 목초의 수확적기는 각 초종 모두 개화기로서 년간 BS 생산성은 Italian 13.81톤(2회 예취), 혼파목초 11.46톤(3회), alfalfa 10.62톤/ha(3회)이었다. 한편 조기수확에 따른 고수분 재료의 BS 품질은 무처리시의 35점에서 예건 및 FA 동시처리시에는 84점으로 향상되었다. Italian tyegrass의 BS품질도 무처리시의 61점에서 예건 및 FA 처리시에는 88점으로 개선되는 효과가 있었다.
