Exploratory Study of Resident Practice for Male & Female Students in the Secondary School

중등학교 남녀학생의 공수를 위한 생활관 실습 교육의 고찰

  • Published : 1995.12.01


The goal of this study was to explore the existing program of resident practice structured for female students in order to propose its restructuring for male and female students in the secondary school. A sample of 30 teachers charged a program of resident practice and 55 home economics teachers completed self report measures of resident practice program. Interviews were conducted with 20 teachers to do in-depth research. The results indicated that, consistent with some previous research, there were some problems on facilities and program contents of resident practice. However, there were almost consistent with the required contents of program for male and female students. Significant differences were found only for the program contents such as table settings, wearing a traditional clothing and arranging flowers. A qualitative research showed that resident practice was equally important for the well-being of male and female students and preparing the 21st century. Respondents proposed that the program contents should be focused on traditional propriety and etiquette for daily life. More especially, the data illustrated how importance of the resident practice program should be a mechanism to be a human-centered education. The problems of resident practice for male and female students also was considered. Qualitative answers were suggested for the question : How the hall. Implications for resident practitioners, home economics educators, educational policy maker, as well as suggestions for future research were discussed.



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