최소거리 분류벡터 양자기와 시스토릭 어레이 구조

Minimum-Distance Classified Vector Quantizer and Its Systolic Array Architecture

  • 발행 : 1995.05.01


In this paper in order to reduce the encoding complexity required in the full search vector quantization(VQ), a new classified vector quantization(CVQ) technique is described employing the minimum-distance classifier. The determination of the optimal subcodebook sizes for each class is an important task in CVQ designs and is not an easy work. Therefore letting the subcodebook sizes be equal. A CVQ technique. Which satisties the optimal CVQ condition approximately, is proposed. The proposed CVQ is a kind of the partial search VQ because it requires a search process within each subcodebook only, and the minimum encoding complexity since the subcodebook sizes are the same in each class. But simulation results reveal while the encoding complexity is only O(N$^{1/2}$) comparing with O(N) of the full-search VQ. A simple systolic array, which has the through-put of k, is also proposed for the implementation of the VQ. Since the operation of the classifier is identical with that of the VQ, the proposed array is applied to both the classifier and the VQ in the proposed CVQ, which shows the usefulness of the proposed CVQ.
