In order to provide for the guidance on groundwater quality monitoring network design and also, to suggest the index to the solution of the contaminated groundwater remediation problems in the lake watershed, it is necessary to analyze the contaminant transport in the groundwater. The solute transport was analyzed in the lake watershed to investigate the behavior of the injected contaminant sources depend on the relationships between the point of contaminant sources and position of the lake. Three hypothetical groundwater flow systems, which is composed of a flow-through lake and two solute sources, were considered. The lakes located in the upper, middle, and lower portions of a watershed respectively. The transported contaminant was numerically simulated for five years by using MT3D contaminant transport model under the three-dimentional steady state conditions. From the above simulations, it can be concluded that the contaminant concentration was high as the contaminant source located at the upper position of a watershed, and the influence of the contaminant injection was large as the solute source located at the lower position. When the injection of contaminant was continued for one year without regard to the position of contaminant source and the lake, the influence of contaminant source was reached to bedrock.