- Kanko 41 v.7 no.5 Shizen hogo dantai no mita shizen hakai no genjo(The trend of nature destruction viewed by nature conservation groups) Asahi Shinbunsha Naiseibu
- Kokuritsu Koen v.438 Fuji-Hakone-Izu kokuritsu koen no gaiyo(A summary of the Fuji-Hakone-Izu national park) Fujino,K.
- Shizen hogo gyosei no ayumi(The progress of nature conservation administration) Shizen koen seido no sosetsu(The establishment of the natural park system) Ikenouye,O.;Kankyocho Shizen Hogokyoku(ed.)
- Gyoseigaku koza 4: gyosei to soshiki(Public administration 4: administration and organization) Soshiki no bunka to koso(Organizational differentiation and struggle) Imamura,T.;K.Tsuji(ed.)
- Kankyo Zoho Kagaku v.14 no.1 Shizen hogo mondai no 50 nenshi(The 50 year history of nature conservation problems) Itoga,R.
- World conservation strategy: living resource conservation for sustainable development IUCN(International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources)
- Kokuritsu Koen v.343 Nihon ni okeru kokkai shijo no kokuritsu koen setchi undo no genten(The origin of national park movement in the history of Japanese Diet) Kaku,H.
- Kokuritsu Koen v.270 Shizen hogo zorei ichiran (Table of nature conservation ordinances) Kankyocho Shizen Hogokyoku(Nature Conservation Bureau, Environment Agency)
- Kankyo Zoho Kagaku v.14 no.1 Kogai mondai no 40 nenshi(The 40 year history of pollution problems) Kawana,H.
- Jurist v.492 Shizen hakai to kanko kaihatsu(Nature destruction and tourism development) Kihara,K.
- Kanko v.4 no.8 Kanko doro to shizen hogo gyosei(Scenic highways and nature conservation adminstration) Kihara,K.
- Kanko v.251 Sogo hoyo chiiki seibi ho no gaiyo(A summary of the comprehensive resort development law) Kokudocho(National Land Agency)
- Rizoto chiiki seibi(Resort development) Kokyo Toshi Zanaru(Public Investment Journal)
- Kokuritsu Koen v.455 Sogo hoyo chiiki seibi ho ni tsuite(About the comprehensive resort development law) Maeda,M.
- Kanryo: sono fushoku no kozo(The bureaucracy : corruption structure) Mainichi Shinbun Shakaibu(Mainichi Newspaper Social Affair Division)
- National parks, conservation, and development: the role of protected areas in sustaining society McNeely,J.A.(ed.);K.R.Miller(ed.)
- Nature conservation administration in Japan NCB;EA(Nature Conservation Bureau, Environment Agency)
- Kokuritsu Koen v.4 no.2 Kokuritsu koen no shimei to hozon no seishin(A mission of national park and a spirit of preservation) Oshima,T.
- Ph. D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin Politics of national parks in Japan Oyadomari,M.
- Japanese prefectures and policymaking Reed,S.R.
- The Richey report on national parks in Japan Richey,C.A.
- Kanko gyosei hyakunen to kanko seisaku shingikai sanzunen no ayumi(The 100 years of tourism administration and the 30 year progress of the tourism policy council) Sorifu(Prime Minister's Office)
- Zoen gairon(An introduction to landscape architecture) Tamura,T.
- Nihon no kokuritsu koen(National parks of Japan) Tamura,T.
- Nihon no shizen koen(National parks of Japan) Tanaka,M.
- Kokuritsu Koen v.2 no.10 Kokuritsu koen no seido ni kansuru tokubetsu iincho hokoku yosei(A chair summary of the special committee on the national park system) Tokubetsu Iincho(Chairman of the Special Committee)
- Tokyo no koen hyakunenshi(The 100 year history of parks in Tokyo) Tokyo-To(Tokyo Metropolitan Government)
- Shizen hogo no ayumi(The progress of nature conservation administration) Shusenkara kankyocho setchi made no shizen koen(The progress of natural parks from the end of the World War Ⅱ to the cration of the Environment Agency) Tsuchiya,T.;Kankyocho Shizen Hogokyoku(ed.)
- Shiseki Meisho Tennenkinenbutsu v.10 no.4 Shiseki meisho tennenkinenbutsu hozonho kaistsu Ⅵ(The interpretation of the Law for the Preservation of Historic, Scenic, and Natural Monuments) Uchida,E.
- Zoengaku hanron(An introduction to landscape architecture study) Uehara,K.
- Kokuritsu Koen v.243 Kokusetsu daikoen setchi ni kansuru kengi ni tsuite(A proposal for establishing a national grand park) Uno,T.
- Shizen hogo gyosei no ayumi(The progress of nature conservation administration) Kankyocho no setchi kara(After the creation of the Environment Agency) Uno,T.;Kankyocho Shizen Hogokyoku(ed.)
- Our Common Future WCED(World Commission on Environment and Development)
- Hyodae Nonmoongip v.45 Historical assessment of national park management in England and Wales: balancing conservation and development Woo,H.T.
- Kokuritsu Koen v.200 Kokuritsu koen seido no utsurikawari Ⅰ(The change in the national park system) Zadankai(Talk Session)
- Shizen hogo no tebiki(The handbook of nature conservation) Zenkoku Shizen Hogo Rengo(Japan Union for Nature Conservation)