입상슬러지의 동력학적 인자 산정

Evaluation of Biological Kinetic Parameters in the Granular Sludge

  • 이재관 (국립환경연구원 낙동강수질검사소) ;
  • 양병수 (부산수산대학교 환경공학과)
  • 발행 : 1995.06.01


Design approach of upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket(UASB) process based on the biological kinetic parameters are known to be very difficult since the characteristics of the granular slut비e depends on the type of wastewater and size distribution of the granular sludge also depends on the upflow velocity in the UASB reactors. Furthermore, industrial wastewater containing toxic substances has been treated by UASB process without the clear knowledge of toxic effects on the granular slut형e. Hence, the present research was aimed on the intensive evaluation of biological kinetic parameters of the granular sludge in UASB reactor with and without toxic substance of 2, 4-dichlorophenol in order to present the basic design measures for UASB process design. The results could be summarized as follows. The biological kinetic parameters(k and Ks) considerably varied with the granular size of the sludge. Generally, 연e k and ks values of the granular sludge increased with the particle size of the granule. The biological kinetic parameters(k and Ks) of the granular sludge obtained from batch test were not applicable to design purpose of UASB process due to substrate diffusional limitation into the granular sludge in the completely mixed UASB reactors. The toxic effects on k and Ks greatly varied with the granular sixte. And as the toxicant concentration increased, the k value decreased while the Ks value increased. Inhibition constant(hi) for k with the toxicant of 2, 4-dichlorophenol varied from 0.5 to 2.3 depending on the granular sizes while the inhibition constant(Ki) for Ks varied from 20.7 to 80.1, showing the mixed inhibition.



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