청년의 자아상에 적용된 사회극의 효과

The Effect of Sociodrama on Adolescents' Self-image

  • 이정숙 (한양대학교 가정대학교 가정관리학과)
  • 발행 : 1995.12.01


The self-image of the adolescence which the reality helps to develope character formation mental health and adaptability. The purpose of this study is to find out how the self-awareness and self-image of the adolescence could be changed through the sociodrama in which their inner aspects such as dream imagination mental state etc. may be expressed extempore. The sociodrama has been performed 14 times by 6 volunteer students from June 13 to Dec. 20 1994 They also had interviews and answered questinnaires. The result shows that the drama is helpful for the experimental group in such a way to establish the self-image to take the opportunity to introspect themselves and to be aware of their own problems.



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  2. 전남대학교 논문집 v.36 학교비행청소년의 자아개념과 가족의 기능 및 정신건강에 관한 비교연구 김수진;오상은
  3. 고려대학교 의과대학 박사학위논문 정신과 환자에 대한 정신치료극의 치료적 효과 김유광
  4. 신경정신의학 대학생 집단에 적용된 정신 치료극의 효과 김해열;김혜남;김유광
  5. 한국외국어 대학교 석사학위논문 심리극을 통한 집단상담에서의 공격성과 자아개념변화에 관한 연구 박상미
  6. 한양대학교 가정관리학과 박사학위논문 부모의 양육태도와 청년기 자녀의 갈등-사회극을 통한 방법으로 이정숙
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  12. 아동발달 심리 조희숙(외 9인)
  13. 부산대 석사학위논문 자아분화와 역기능적 행동과의 관계 채석봉
  14. Adolescence and Youth Cnger,J.
  15. Childhood and Society(2nd, ed.) Erickson,E.
  16. The Relationship of Time Perspective to Age Fink,H.H.
  17. Psychodrama Theory and Theropy Greemberg,Lra A.
  18. Journal of Group Psychotherapy Psychodrama and Socieometry v.45 no.3 The Psychodramatist Kellermann,P.
  19. Human Development Lugo,J.O.;Hershey,G.L.
  20. Field Theory in Social Science Lewin,K.
  21. Dissertation Abstracts Future Time Perspective and Personality Characteristics of Made Adloescent Delinquents and Non-delinquents Matulef,N.
  22. Science The Bimodel Percebtion of Speech Infancy
  23. Adolescent Future Time Perspective in Therapy Rizzo,A.
  24. Journal of Group Psychotherapy Psychodrama and Socieometry v.45 no.4 Spontaneity Training and Psychodrama with Alzheimer's Patients Remer,R.;More.Brooks.H.;Joellen Popma;Susam M.Jones
  25. Journal of Group Psychotherapy Psychodrama & Socieometry v.34 no.1 Comparison of Rogers' Self Theory and Spontaneity Theory Shearon,E.M.
  26. Journal of Group Psychotherapy Psychodrama and Socieometry v.45 no.3 The Anatomy of a Psychodrama Class: A Student's Perspective Smokowski,P.R.
  27. 現代心理劇-集團による黃劇治療と自 發性の訓練 條田勝郞;A.A.シュッエンペルガ
  28. 分析的心理劇 條田勝郞;デイデイエ;アソヅュ