부분적 단계충격 수명검사에 관한 직렬형 시스템의 최적 검사계획

Optimal design of partially step-stress life testing for the series systems

  • 박희창 ((641-773) 경남 창원시 사림동 9, 창원대학교 자연과학대학 통계학과) ;
  • 이석훈 ((305-764) 대전시 유성구 궁동 220, 충남대학교 자연과학대학 통계학과)
  • 발행 : 1995.09.01


정상조건에서 수명이 상당히 긴 다수의 부품으로 구성된 직렬형 시스템의 수명검사를 현실적으로 수행하기 위해 부분적 단계충격 수명검사의 최적 검사계획에 관하여 고찰하였다. 시스템을 구성하고 있는 부품의 수명이 서로 독립인 지수분포를 따르는 것으로 가정하여 각 부품의 고장률과 가속인자의 최우추정량을 구하였다. 또한 각 부품의 고장률과 가속인자에 관한 최우추정량의 일반화 점근분산의 합과 각 부품의 가속인자에 관한 최우추정량의 점근분산의 합을 구하여 이를 최소가 되게 하는 최적변환시점의 결정방법을 제안하였다.

In this paper we consider optimal designs of partially step-stress life testing which is deviced for k-component series systems with the considerably long life time. Test items are first run simultaneously at use condition for a specified time, and the surviving items are then run at accelerated condition until a predetermined censoring time. The optimal criterion for the change time to accelerated condition is to minimized either the generalized asymptotic variance of maximum likelihood estimators of the hazard rates at use condition and the acceleration factors or the asymptotic variance of the maximum likelihood estimators of the acceleration factors.



  1. 충남과학 연구지 v.19 no.2 종속적인 병렬형 시스템의 최적 검사계획 박희창;이석훈
  2. 미발표논문 다수의 부품으로 구성된 직렬형 시스템의 부분적 고정충격 수명검사에 관한 최적계획 박희창;이석훈
  3. 충남과학연구지 v.18 no.2 이변량 시스템의 단계적 충격검사를 위한 최적 실험계획 박희창;임대혁;최만석;이석훈
  4. 응용통계연구 v.2 no.2 계단식 충격 생명검사에 관한 연구 이석훈
  5. 응용통계연구 v.5 no.2 두 개의 부품으로 구성된 시스템의 단계적 충격생명 검사에 관한 연구 이석훈;박희창;박래현
  6. Proceedings of the Fourth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability Stochastic Models for Carcinogens Armitage,P.;Doll,R.
  7. IEEE Transactions on Reliability v.40 no.5 Optimum Simple Step Stress Accelerated Life Tests with Competing Causes of Failure Bai,D.S.;Chun,Y.R.
  8. IEEE Transactions on Reliability v.38 Optimum Simple Step Stress Accelerated Life Tests with Censoring Bai,D.S.;Kim,M.S.;Lee,S.H.
  9. IEEE Transactions on Reliability v.41 no.3 Optimal Design of Partially Accelerated Life Tests for Exponential Distribution under Type ⅠCensoring Bai,D.S.;Chung,S.W.
  10. Reliability Engineering and System Safety v.40 Optimal Design of Partially Accelerated Life Tests for Lognormal Distribution under Type Ⅰ Censoring Bai,D.S.;Chung,S.W.;Chun,Y.R.
  11. Journal of the Industrial Associations for Productivity, Quality and Reliability v.6 no.1 On the Performance of Least Squares Estimator in Type-Ⅱ Censored Aaccelerated Life Tests Bhattacharyya,G.K.;Soejoeti,Z.
  12. Journal of the American Statistitcal Associations v.69 A Continuous Bivaiate Exponential Extension Blok,H.W.;Basu,A.P.
  13. Naval Research Logisics Quarterly v.26 Bayesian Estimation and Optimal Designs partially Accelerated Life Testing DeGroot,M.H.;Goel,P.K.
  14. Theory of D-Optimal Experiments Fedoov,V.V.
  15. Medical Instrumentation v.14 Accelerated Life Testing of Prothetic Heart Valves Fettel,B.E.;Johnston,D.R.;Moris,P.E.
  16. Naval Research Logisics Quarterly v.31 Estimation for a Weibull Accelerated Life Testing Medel Glaser,R.E.
  17. Biometrics v.33 Estimation of Safe Dose in Carcinogenic Experiments Hartley,H.O.;Sielken,R.L.
  18. IEEE Transactions on Reliability v.R33 no.3 Reliability of Liquid Crystal Display Kitagawa,K.;Toriama,K.;Kanuma,Y.
  19. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods v.10 Accelerated Life Tests under Competing Weibull Causes of Failure Klein,J.P.;Basu,A.P.
  20. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods v.11 Accelerated Life Tests under Competing Weibull Causes of Failure Klein,J.P.;Basu,A.P.
  21. Methods for Statistical Analysis of Reliability and Life Data Mann,N.R.;Schafer,R.E.;Singpurwalla,N.D.
  22. IEEE Transactions on Reliability v.32 Optimum Smple Step Stress Plans for Accelerated Life Testing Miller,R.;Nelson,W.
  23. Geneal Eletric Research & Development TIS Report 71-C-001 Statistical Methods for Accelerated Life Test Data-The Inverse Power Law Model Nelson,W.B.
  24. IEEE Transactions on Reliability v.29 Accelerated Life Testing-Step Stress Models and Data Analysis Nelson,W.
  25. Technometrics v.14 Linear Estimation of a Regression Relationship from Censored Data-Part 1. Simple Methods and their Application Nelson,W.;Hahn,G.J.
  26. Technometrics v.15 Linear Estimation of a Regression Relationship from Censored Data-Part 2. Best Linear Unbiased Estimation and Theory Nelson,W.;Hahn,G.J.
  27. IEEE Transactions on Reliability v.R24 Optimum Accelerated Life Tests for Normal and Lognormal Life Distributions Nelson,W.B.;Kielpinski,T.J.
  28. Technometrics v.18 Theory for Optimum Censored Accelerated Tests for Normal and Lognormal Life Distributions Nelson,W.B.;Kielpinski,T.J.
  29. Technometrics v.20 Theory for Optimum Accelerated Censored Life Tests for Weibull and Extreme Value Distributions Nelson,W.B.;Meeker,W.Q.