Robustness of Minimum Disparity Estimators in Linear Regression Models

  • Pak, Ro-Jin (Department of Statistics, Taejon University, Taejon 300-716)
  • 발행 : 1995.12.01


This paper deals with the robustness properties of the minimum disparity estimation in linear regression models. The estimators defined as statistical quantities whcih minimize the blended weight Hellinger distance between a weighted kernel density estimator of the residuals and a smoothed model density of the residuals. It is shown that if the weights of the density estimator are appropriately chosen, the estimates of the regression parameters are robust.



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  2. Annals of Statistics v.5 Minimum Hellinger Distance Estimates for Parametric Models Beran,R.J.
  3. Annals of Statistics v.1 Robust Regression: Asymptotic, Conjectures, and Monte Calro Huber,P.J.
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  5. Annals of Statistics v.22 Efficiency Versus Robustness: The Case for Minimum Hellinger Distance and Related Methods Lindsay,B.G.
  6. Robust Regression and Outlier Detection Rousseeuw,P.J.;Leroy,A.