- Statitical decision theory and Bayesian analysis Berger,J.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.83 A Bayesian approach to ranking and selection of related means with alternatives to AOV methodology Berger,J.;Deely,J.J.
- Technical Report #89-40 Ranking estimation and hypothesis testing in unbalaned models-a Bayesian approach Berger,J.;Fong,K.H.
- Bayesian inference in statistical analysis Box,G.E.P.;Tiao,G.C.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.7 Minimum Bayes risk t-intervals for multiple comparisons Dixon,D.O.;Duncan,D.B.
- Proceedings of the Fourth International Turfgrass Research Conference Effects of several overseeded ryegrasses on turf quality, traffic tolerance and ball roll Dudeck,A.E.;Peacock,C.H.;R.W.Sheard(ed.)
- The Annals of Mathematical Statistics v.32 Bayes rules for a common multiple comparisons problem and related Student-t problems Duncan,D.B.
- Technometrics v.7 A Bayesian approach to multiple comparisons Duncan,D.B.
- Essays in Probability and Statitics On the relation between union-intersection and likelihood ratio tests Gabriel,K.R.;R.C.Bose(et al.)(ed.)
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.73 On improved extensions of the Tmethod of multiple comparisons for unbalanced designs Genizi,A.;Hochberg,Y.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.87 Constrained Bayes Estimation With Applications Ghosh,M.
- Multiple Comparison Procedures Hochberg,Y.;Tamhane,A.C.
- Journal of the Korean Statistical Society v.20 no.1 A parametric empirical Bayesian method for multiple comparisons Kim,W.C.;Hwang,H.T.
- The Annals of Statistics v.12 Rectangular regions of maximun probability content Kunte,S.;Rattihalli,R.N.
- Theory of point estimation Lehmann,E.L.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.79 Estimating a Population of Parameter Values Using Bayes and Empirical Bayes Methods Louis,T.A.
- Mathematical statistics with applications(Fourth Ed.) Mendenhall,W.;Wackerly,D.D.;Scheffer,R.L.
- Simultaneous Statistical Inference(Second Ed.) Miller,R.G.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.78 Parametric empirical Bayes inference:Theory and applications Morris,C.
- Mimeographed monograph The problem of multiple comparisons Tukey,J.W.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.64 A Bayes rule for the symmetric multiple comparisons Waller,R.A.;Duncan,D.B.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.67 A corrigendum to "A Bayes rule for the symmetric multiple comparisons" Waller,R.A.;Duncan,D.B.