Minimum Mean Squared Error Accelerated Life Test Plans for Exponential Lifetime Distribution

  • Joong Yang Park (Department of Statistics, Gyeongsang National University, Chinju, 660-701, KOREA)
  • 발행 : 1995.12.01


This paper considers model robust accelerated life test plans for estimating the logmean or percentile of product lige which is exponentially distributed. A linear relationship between the log mean life and the stress is assumed as usual, while the true relationship is quadratic. Optimum plans are then obtained by minimizing asymptotic mean squared error of maximum likelihood estimator of the log mean life.



  1. IEEE Transactions on Reliability v.40 Optimal Accelerated Life-Time Plans that Minimize the Maximum Test-Stress Barton,R.R.
  2. Journal of American Statistical Association v.54 A Basis for the Selection of a Response Surface Designs Box,G.E.P.;Draper,N.R.
  3. Technometrics v.1 Optimum Accelerated Life Designs for Estimation Chernoff,H.
  4. Journal of American Statistical Association v.81 Response Surface Designs in Flexible Regions Draper,N.R.;Guttman,I.
  5. IEEE Transaction v.R-24 Optimum Censored Accelerated Life Tests for Normal and Lognormal Life Distributions Kielpinski,T.J.;Nelson,W.
  6. Technometrics v.26 A Comparison of Accelerated Life Test Plans for Weibull and Lognormal Distributions and Type Meeker,W.Q.Jr.
  7. IEEE Transactions on Reliability v.R-24 Optimum Accelerated Life Tests for Weibull and Extreme Value Distributions Meeker,W.Q.;Nelson,W.
  8. Technometrics v.2 An Approximation to the Negative Moments of the Positive Binomial Useful in Life Testing Mendenhall,W.;Lehman,E.H.Jr.
  9. IEEE Transactions on Reliability v.R-32 Optimum Simple Step-Stress Plans for Accelerated Life Testing Miller,R.;Nelson,W.
  10. IEEE Transactions on Reliability v.R-24 Analysis of Accelerated Life Test Data-Least Squares Methods for the Inverse Power Law Model Nelson,W.
  11. Technometrics v.18 Theory for Optimum Censored Accelerated Life Tests for Normal and Lognormal Life Distributions Nelson,W.;Kielpinski,T.J.
  12. Technometrics v.20 Theory for Optimum Accelerated Censored Life Tests for Weibull and Extreme Value Distributions Nelson,W.;Meeker,W.Q.Jr..J.