
  • 이영남 (정회원, 현대건설 기술연구소 이사) ;
  • 김주범 (정회원, 한국안전기술협회 고문)
  • Published : 1995.12.01




  1. 한국지반공학회지 v.11 no.2 연약지반(1) 김상규
  2. 건설부제정 구조물기초설계기준해설 한국지반공학회
  3. 지반조사 결과의 해석 및 이용 한국지반공학회
  4. 實用 軟弱地盤對策 技術 總賢 藤田圭一
  5. Soft Clay Engineering Exploration, Sampling and In-situ Testing of Soft Clays Andresen,A.;Brand(ed.);Brenner(ed.)
  6. Advanced Triaxial Testing of Soil and Rock, ASTM STP 977 Cubical Devices : Versatility and Constraints Arthur,J.R.F.
  7. Advanced riaxial Testing of Soil and Rock, ASTM STP 977 A Reevaluation of Conventional Triaxial Test Methods Baldi,G.;Hight,D.W.;Thomas,G.E.
  8. Proc. 8th ICSMFE v.1 no.1 Shear Strength of Normally Consolidated Clays Berre,T.;Bjerrum,L.
  9. The Measurement of Soil Properties in the Triaxial Test (2nd Edition) Bishop,A.W.;Henkel,D.J.
  10. Geotechnique v.35 no.4 A Hydraulic Triaxial Appartus for Controlled Stress path Testing Bishop,A.W.;Wesley,L.D
  11. State-of-the-Art Report, Proc. Speciality Conference on Performance of Earth Supported Structures v.2 Embankments on Soft Ground Bjerrum,L.
  12. State-of-the-Art Report, Session 4, Proc. 8th ICSMFE v.3 Problems of Soil Mechanics and Construction on Soft Clays Bjerrum,L.
  13. Proc. Geotechnical Conference on Shear Strength Properties of Natural Soils and Rocks v.2 Effect of Structure on the Shear Behavior of Normally Consolidated Quick Clay Bjerrum,L.;Kenney,T.C.
  14. Can. Geotech, J. no.3 A Simple K0-Triaxial Cell Campanella R.G.;Vaid,Y.P.
  15. Balckie Academic and Professional Pressuremeters in Geotechnical Design Clarke,B.G.
  16. Site Investigation Clayton,C.R.I.;Simons,N.E.;Matthews,M.C.
  17. Foundation Engineering Handbook (2nd ed.) Fang,H.Y.
  18. Advanced Course on Soil Slope Stability F.H.A.
  19. Advanced Triaxial Testing of Soil and Rock, ASTM STP 977 Triaxial Testing of Saturated Cohesive Soils Germaine,J.T.;Ladd,C.C.
  20. J. Geotech. Div., ASCE, GT11 In-situ Stress Determination by Iowa Stepped Blade Handy,R.L.;Remmes,B.;Moldt,S.;Lutenegger,A.J.;Trott,G.
  21. Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. on Pressuremeter Pressuremeter Measurment of Total Horizontal Stress in Stiff Clay Hawkins,P.G.;Mare,R.J.;Mathieson,W.G.;Muir Wood, D.
  22. Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing (2nd ed.) v.1-3 Head,K.H.
  23. Wroth Memorial Symposium Development of the Cone Pressuremeter Houlsby,G.T.;Nutt,N.R.F.
  24. Proc. 11th ICSMFE v.1 New Developments in Field and Laboratory Testing of Soils Jamiolkowski,M.;Ladd,C.C.;Germaine,J.T.;Lancellotta,R.
  25. International Seminar on In-Situ Testing, Portuguese Society for Geotechnics and TC27 of the ISSMFE A Recent Development in Pressuremeter Testing : Cone Pressuremeter Kolk,H.J.
  26. J. of Geotech. Engrg. v.111 no.3 Design Strength of an Offshore Clay Koutsoftas,D.C.;Ladd,C.C.
  27. Predictive Soil Mechanics Some Throughts on the Evaluation of Undrained Shear Strength for Design Kulhawy,F.H.
  28. Short Course Lecture Notes Estimation of Soil Properties for Fondation Design Kulhawy,F.H.
  29. Foundation Engineering : Current Principles and Practices First-Order Estimation of K0 in Sand and Clays Kulhawy,F.H.;Jackson,C.S.;Mayne,P.W.
  30. Proc. 1st ISOCCTI Relative Density, STP, and CPT Interrelationships Kulhawy,F.H.;Mayne,P.W.
  31. Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Internal Reoprt 40007-1 Effect of Load Duration on Undrained Behavior of Clay and Sand Literature Survey Lacasse,S.
  32. Advanced Triaxial Testing of Soil and Rock, ASTM STP 977 Triaxial Testing Methods for Soil Lacasse S.;Berre T.
  33. J. of Geotech. ENGRG. v.117 no.4 Stability Evaluation During Staged Construction, 22nd Terzaghi Lecture Ladd,C.C.
  34. Proc. 13th ICSMFE v.1 Fundamental and Practical Issues Concerning Undrained Strength Anisotropy Ladd,C.C.
  35. J. of Geotech. Engrg. v.100 no.GT7 New Design Procedure for Stability of Soft Clays Ladd,C.C.;Foott,R.
  36. State-of-the-Art Report, Proc. 9th ICSMFE v.2 Stress-Deformation and Strength Characteristics Ladd,C.C.;Foott,R.;Ishihara,K.;Schlosser,F.;Poulos,H.G.
  37. J. Soil Mech. Found. Eng. The Engineering Behavior of Compacted Clay Lambe,T.W.
  38. Soil Mechanics (11th ed.) Lambe,T.W.;Whitman,R.V.
  39. Can. Geotch. J. v.16 A New Method of Sampling in Sensitive Clay Leebver,G.;Povlin,C.
  40. Proc. ASCE Spec. Conf. on In situ Measurment of Soil Properties v.2 A New In-situ Test for the Measurement of Horizontal Soil Deformability Marchetti,S.
  41. J. Geotech. Div. In situ Tests by Flat Dilatometer Marchetti,S.
  42. CIRIA Ground Engineering Report Cone Penetration Testing-Method and Interpretation Meigh,A.C.
  43. Proc. Geotech. Div. Cone Penetration Testing and Experience Norris,G.M.(ed.);Holtz,R.D.(ed.)
  44. Soil Mechanics Perloff,W.H.;Baron,W.
  45. Can. Geotech. J. v.27 no.1 Soil Classification Using the Cone Penetration Test Robertson,P.K.
  46. 한국지반공학회 특별강연집 Guidelines for Geotechnical Design Using the Cone Penetrometer Test and CPT with Pore Pressure Measurement Robertson,P.K.;Campanella,R.G.
  47. Testing Equipment and Testing Equipment and Test Procedure The Pressuremeter Test Principles Roctest
  48. Geotechnique v.16 no.2 A New Consolidation Cell Rowe,P.W.;Barden,L.
  49. Advanced Triaxial Testing of Soil and Rock, ASTM STP 977 Hollow Cylinder Torsional Devices : Their Advantages and Limitations Saada,A.S.
  50. ASTM STP 740 Laboratory Strength Testing of Soils, Laboratory Shear Strength of Soil Saada,A.S.;Townsend,F.C.
  51. EM1110-2-1907 Soil Sampling US Army Corps of Engineers
  52. The Pressuremeter and Its Marine Applications, 2nd International Symposium, ASTM STP 950 The Development of a Full Displacement Pressuremeter Withers,N.J.;Schaap,L.H.J.;Dalton,C.P.
  53. Proc. 11th ICSMFE v.1 no.1 Soil Mechanics-property Chanracterization and Analysis Procedures Wroth,C.P.;Houlsby,G.T.
  54. Introductory Soil Mechanics and Foundations : Geotechnical Engineering (4th ed.) Sowers,G.F.