The aim of the work described in this paper is to develope a constitutive model for the prediction of an unsaturated soil and to confirm the application'of the model, which is composed of the elastic and plastic part in consideration of the matric suction and the net mean stress. From test results, volume changes and deviator stresses are analyzed at each state and their relationships are formulated. The application of the model to silty sands is confirmed by the comparison between test and predicted results. During drying -wetting and loading -unloading processes for isotropic states, the agreement between predicted and test results are satisfactory. Predicted deviator stresses are well agreed with test results in shearing process. Overall acceptable predictions are reproduced in high confining pressure. Usefulness of the model is confirmed for the unsaturated soil except volumetric strain, which is not well agreed with the test results due to deficiency of dilatancy of the model in low confining pressure. It is, therefore. recommended to study the behavior of dilatancy for an unsaturated soil.
실트질 모래를 재료로 삼축압축시험기를 개조하고, 삼축셀에 고압공기투과판을 부착하여 축변환기법에 의해 흡인력과 순평균응력을 조절하면서 등력압축시험과 전단시험을 행하여, 불포화 상태에 따른 토질정수의 변화를 규명하였으며, 함수상태의 변화에 따라 응력, 체적변화 등의 거동특성을 검토하였다. 실험의 결과에서 규명된 불포화토의 특성을 바탕으로, 불포화토의 응력성분을 고려하고, 수정 Cam -Clay 모델을 경계조건으로 하는 불포화토의 거동예측을 위한 구성식을 개발하고, 실트질 모래에 대한 실내실험의 자료로부터 구한 관측치와 예측치를 비교하여 이의 타당성을 검증하였다.