
  • 김상규 (정회원, 동국대학교 공과대학 토목공학과)
  • Published : 1995.06.01




  1. 토질역학의 이론과 응용 김상규
  2. 한국노양총설 엄기태
  3. 석사학위논문, 동국대학교 대학원 삼척 유기질토의 공학적 특성에 관한 연구 최인걸
  4. Soils and Foundation v.7 no.1 Observational Procedure of Settlement Prediction Asaoka,A.
  5. Proc., ASCE Spec. Conf. on Earth and Earth Supported Structures v.Ⅱ Embankment on Soft Ground Bjerrum,L.
  6. Univ. California, Berkeley, Dept of Civil Eng. Rep. No. TE 75-3 The Role of Fill Strength in the Stability of Embankment on Soft Clay Foundation Chirapuntu,S.;Duncan,J.M.
  7. Modern Techniques from the Analysis of Engineering Problems in Soft Clay Duncan,J.M.;Poulos,H.G.;Brand,E.W.;Brenner,R.P.
  8. J. Soil Mech. Found. Div., ASCE v.93 no.SM6 Stress Path Method Lambe,T.W.
  9. Canadian Geotechnical J. v.15 no.4 Undrained Shear Strength in Stability Calculations of Embankments and Foundations on Soft Clays Larsson,R.
  10. Proc., Int. Conf. on Geotech. Eng. for Coastal Eng. Exploration of Soft Soil and Determination of Design Parameters Leroueil,S.;Jamiolkowski,M.
  11. J. Geotech. Eng. Div., ASCE v.101 no.GT4 New Design Procedure for Stability of Soft Clays Mesri,G.
  12. Soil Mechanics Design Manual 7.1, Dept of the Navy NAVFAC
  13. J. Geotechnical. Eng. Div., ASCE v.13 no.GT1 Consolidation under Time Dependent Loading Olson,R.E.
  14. J. Geotech. Eng. Div., ASCE v.105 no.GT1 One-dimentional Consolidation Problems Olson,R.E.;Ladd,C.C.
  15. Canadian Geotechnical Journal v.27 no.1 Soil Classification Using the Cone Penetration Test Robertson,P.K.
  16. Geotechnique v.7 A Contribution to the Settlement Analysis on Clay Skempton,A.W.;Bjerrum,L.
  17. Ground Motions and Soil Liquefaction during Earthquakes Seed,H.B.;Idriss,I.M.
  18. J. Geotech. Eng. Div., ASCE v.119 no.5 Ultimate Settlement by Hyperbolic Plot for Clays with Vertical Drains Tan,S.A.
  19. J. Geotech. Eng. Div., ASCE v.25 no.1 Hyperbolic Method for Evaluation of Settlement of Ground Pretreated by Drains and Surcharge Tan,S.A.
  20. Int. Symp. on Geotech. Eng. of Soft Soils, Mexico City v.2 S.O.A. on Laboratory and In-Situ Stress-Strain-Time Behaviour of Soft Clays Tavenas,F.;Leroueil,S.
  21. Proc. of Int. Symposium on Trial Embankments on Malaysian Marine Clays v.1;2 The Malaysian Highway Authority