- 3rd International Conf. on Numerical Methods in Geomechanics, Aachen, 2-6 Analytical Determination of Earth Pressure Due to Compaction Aggour,M.S.;Brown,C.B.
- Proc. 4th European Conf. on Soil Mech. Lateral Earth Pressures Due to Compaction of Cohesionless Soils Broma,B.
- Geotechnique v.21 no.1 Earth Pressures against Abutment of Rigid Frame Bridge Broma,B.;Ingleson,I.
- Ph. D. Thesis, Texas A & M University Cantilever Retaining Wall Dsign Bruner,R.F.
- TRRL Report No. LR 946 Earth Pressures against an Experimental Retaining Wall Backfilled with Silty Clay Carder,D.R.;Murray,R.T.;Krawczyk,J.V.
- TRRL Report No. LR 766 Experimental Retaining Wall Facility-Lateral Stress Messurements with Sand Backfill Carder,D.R.;Pocock,R.G.;Murray,R.T.
- 8th CPMSIF-PCSMFE lateral Pressures induced by Compaction of Clay Backfill Clayton,C.R.I.(et al.)
- TRRL Report 517 Field Measurement of Lateral Earth Pressure on a Cantilever Retaining Wall Colye,H.M.;Bartoskewitz,R.E.;Milberger,L.J.;Bulter,H.D.
- JGED, ASCE v.102 no.GT5 Earth Pressure on Precast Panel Retaining wall Colye,H.M.;Bartoskewitz,R.E.
- Report No. UCB/GT/80-01, Univ. of California Strength Stress-Strain and Bulk Modulus Parameters For Finite Element Analyses of Stresses and Movements in Soil Masses Duncan,J.M.(et.)
- 9th ISCMFE v.4 Earth Pressure Mesurments on Retaining Walls Fukuoka,M.(et al.)
- JGED, ASCE v.105 no.GT5 Retaining Wall Performance during Backfilling Ingold,T.S.
- Geotechnique v.29 no.3 The Effects of Compaction on Retaining Walls Ingold,T.S.
- Civil Engineering Lateral Earth Pressure Ingold,T.S.
- Ground Engineering v.12 no.6 Current Practice in Designing Esrth Retaining Structures Jones,C.J.F.P.
- Geotechnique v.25 no.4 Earth Pressures against The Abutments and Wing Walls of Standard Motorway Bridges Jones,C.J.F.P.;Sims,F.A.
- 11th ICSMFE, 8/B/14 Effects of Repeated Loading on the Earth Pressure Moore,P.J.;Chin,C.H.
- Proc. 5th European Conf. on SMFE v.1 Lateral Pressure on Basement Wall. Results from Full-Scale Tests Rehnman,S.E.;Broms,B.B.
- Studia Geotechnical v.Ⅲ no.1 Influence of Backfill Height and Compaction on Earth Pressure at Rest Rymsza,B.
- Mitt. B. Bundesant. Wasserbau Karlsuruhe Nr. 38 Der Erddruck einer Rolligen Hinterfullung auf eineUnverschiebliche Stuzwand Infolge der Verdichtung Schuppener,B.
- Geotechnical Engineering Research Report No. UCB/GT/83-06 Soil-Structure Interaction Effects of Compaction-Induced Stresses and Deflections Seed,R.B.;Duncan,J.M.
- Geotechnical Engineering Research Report No. UCB/GT/84-02 SSCOMP:A Finite Element Analysis Program for Evaluation of Soil-Structure Interaction and Compaction Effects Seed,R.B.;Duncan,J.M.
- Proc. of the Conf. on Pipeline Infrastructure, ASCM Soil Parameters for Design of Buried Pipelines Seling,E.T.
- JGED, ASCE v.103 no.Ⅱ Pressures on Retaining Wall with Repeated Loading Sherif,M.A.;Mackey,R.D.
- J. of Inst. of Highw. Engrs Lateral Pressures on Retaining Wall Sim,F.A.;Forrester,G.R.;Jones,C.J.F.P.
- Proc. of the Conf. on Pipeline Infrastructure, ASCM Soil Parameters for Design of Buried Pipelines Seling,E.T.
- Einfluss der Bodenverdichtung Mittels OberflachenRuttler auf den Erddruck einer Strutzwand Bei Sand Spotka,H.
- Geotechnik v.2 no.1 Einfluss der Bodenverdichtung auf den Erddruck einer Struzwand Spoka,H.
- Engineering News Record v.112 Large Retaining Wall Test(Ⅰ):Pressure of Dry Sand Terzaghi,K.
- Contract Report B-40(4) to Niagara MohawkPower Corporation, Geotechnical Engineering Report 78-2 Behavior of Stress Cells in Soil Weiler,W.A.,Jr.;Kulhawy,F.H.
- JGED, ASCE v.108 no.GT12 Factory Affecting Stress Cell Measurement in Soil Weiler,W.A.;Kulhawy,F.H.
- Road Reaserch Laboratory, Dept. of the Environment, RRL Report LR 392 Earth Pressure measurements in Pulverised Fuel Ash behind a Rigid Retaining Wall Wilson,D.S.;Pimley,B.
- 대한토목학회 학술발표회 개요집 뒤채움 다짐에 의한 정지토압 정성교;정인준
- 대한토목학회 학술발표회 개요집 v.Ⅰ 뒤채움 다짐한 용벽에 작용하는 과재하중의 영향 정성교(외 2인)
- 대한토목학회 학술발표회 개요집 v.5 no.2 매설흠관의 설계하중 결정에 관한 연구 정성교(외 2인)
- 대한토목학회 논문집 v.11 no.2 뒷채움 다짐에 의한 횡방향 토압 정성교;정인준;김명모