다포건축 평면비례의 전개과정 - 사찰건축 (합각지붕) 을 대상으로 한 통계처리 -

-The development process of the plane proportion Method on the DAPO Hapgak Style House-

  • 발행 : 1995.06.01


The purpose of this study is reserch the approch and basic principle which make it possible to establish the consistent and subjective direction on the proportion method of DAPO HAPGAK STYLE House in the traditional Korean architecture. The object of reseach which should be considered in dealing with traditional concept on proportion are as follows. What is the proportional method in the plane of the Korean traditional archtecture. In this study, it was intended to find out that, what was the basis of numerical system implied in the proportion system of Korean traditional architecture and whether there can be the absolute and ideal relatioship between proportion systmes or not.



  1. 中央大 博士學位論文 韓國古建築 意匠에 관한 硏究 金興坤
  2. 韓國建築樣式論 鄭寅國
  3. 營造法式 李海哲(譯)
  4. 嶺南大 博士論文 韓國傳統建築의 比例體系에 관한 硏究 張錫河
  5. 嶺南大 碩士論文 韓國傳統建築의 造形意匠에 관한 硏究 張錫河
  6. 韓國木造建築 設計原論 趙勝元;趙英武
  7. 建築物의 比例法則에 관한 硏究 v.19 no.64 李光魯
  8. 考古美術 no.7 木造建築 造形의 數理應用 申榮勳
  9. 弘大論叢 v.14 韓國建築樣式의 柱間 立面意匠에 관한 연구 朴彦坤
  10. 學術論文과 統計的技法 최종후;이재창
  11. 統計學槪論 서울대 자연대학 계산통계학과
  12. SAS非母數 統計分析 이재창;송일성