- 강원대학교 대학원 석사학위논문 잣나무와 소나무의 직경생장과 Key-year에 관한 연구 박완근
- 서울대학교 대학원 박사학위논문 백운산지역 천연림생태계의 삼림구조 및 물질생산에 관한 연구 박인협
- 한국임학회지 v.78 no.3 한국산 4개 지역형 소나무천연림의 물질 현존량 추정식에 관한 연구 박인협;김준선
- 한국임학회지 v.83 no.2 주요 참나무류 천연림의 물질생산 및 현존량추정식에 관한 연구 박인협;문광선
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- 한국임학회지 v.71 강원도산 소나무천연림생태계의 Biomass 및 Net Primary Production에 관한 연구 이수욱
- 대한식물도감 이창복
- 임산에너지 v.1 no.1 15년생 낙엽송임분의 성장 및 생산구조 임경빈;김갑덕;이경재;김용식;박인협;김갑태;이승호;박효섭
- 임산에너지 v.2 no.2 리기다소나무 인공조림지의 물질생산량에 관한 연구 임경빈;이경재;권태호;박인협
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- 춘천시 통계연보 춘천시
- 조경용소재도감 한국종합조경공사
- The Global Carbon Cycle, SCOPE Report No. 13 Terrestrial production and phytomass Ajtay,L.L.;P.Ketner;P.Duvigneaud;Bolin,B.(ed.);E.T.Degens(ed.);S.Kempe(ed.);P.Ketner(ed.)
- Controlling Summer Heat Islands, Vol. LBL-27872 Saving energy and reducing atmospheric pollution by controlling summer heat islands Akbari,H.;J.Huang.;P.Martien;L.Rainer;A.Rosenfeld;H.Taha;Garbesi,K.(ed.);H.Akbari(ed.);P.Martien(ed.)
- Proceedings of the 1990 Society of American Foresters National Convention, Are Forests the Answers? Carbon budget realities at the stand and forest level Birdsey,R.A.
- Wood and Fiber Science v.21 no.1 Carbon and hydrogen contents of short rotation biomass of five hardwood species Chow,P.;G.L.Rolfe
- The Challenge of Global Warming Sources, sinks, trends, and opportunities Ciborowski,P.;Abrahamson,D.E.(ed.)
- Biomass of Yellow-Poplar in Natural Stands in Western North Carolina, Research Paper SE-165 Clark,A.;J.G.Schroeder
- Master Thesis, University of Minnesota, Department of Soil Science Shrub Biomass-Soil Relationships in Minnesota Wetlands Connolly,B.J.
- Research Paper NE-564, USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station Component Biomass Equations for Black Spruce in Maine Czapowskyj,M.M.;D.J.Robison;R.D.Briggs;E.H.White
- CO2 Diet for a Greenhouse Planet: a Citizen's Guide for Slowing Global Warming DeCicco,J.;J.Cook;D.Bolze;J.Beyea
- Science v.239 Tropical forests and the global carbon cycle Detwiler,R.;C.Halll
- Climatic Change v.7 Climatic change and the broad-scale distribution of terrestrial ecosystem complexes Emaunel,W.R.;H.H.Shugart;M.P.Stevenson
- Research Paper NC-250, USDA Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station Tree Volume and Biomass Equations for the Lake States Hahn,J.T.
- Journal of geophysical Research v.93 Global climate changes as forecast by Goddard Institute for Space Studies three-dimensional model Hansen,J.;I.Fung;A.Lacis;D.Rind;S.Lebedeff;R.Ruedy;G.Russell
- Oecologia v.80 Ecophysiology of exotic and native shrubs in Southern WisconsinⅡ(annual growth and carbon gain) Harrington,R.A.;B.J.Brown;P.B.Reich;J.H.Fownes
- Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Arizona, School of Renewable Natuaral Resources Landscape Carbon Budgets and Planning Guidelines for Greenspaces in Urban Residential Lands Jo,H.K.
- Global Environmental Issues: A Climatological Approach Kemp,D.D.
- Information Report M-X-114, Canadian Forestry Service, Maritimes Forest Research Centre Tree Biomass Equations for Seven Species in Southwestern New Brunswick Ker,M.F.
- Canadian Journal of Forest Research v.11 Tree biomass equations for abies balsamea and Picea glauca in nouthwestern New Brunswick Ker,M.F.;G.D.van Raalte
- Oecologia v.74 Dry matter partitioning and root length/leaf area ratios in herbaceous perenial plants with diverse altitudinal distribution Korner,Ch.;U.Renhardt
- Tellus v.36B Carbon dioxide emission from fossil fuels: a procedure for estimation and results for 1950-1982 Marland,G.;R.M.Rotty
- Final Report to USDA Forest Service Modeling Benefits and Costs of Community Tree Plantings: a Demonstration Project McPherson,E.G.;P.L.Sacamano;S.Wensman;J.Ratliff;H.K.Jo
- Climate Change Effects on ecosystems Melillo,J.M.;T.V.Callaghan;F.I.Woodward;E.Salati;S.K.Sinha;Houghton,J.T.(ed.);G.J.Jenkins(ed.);J.J.Ephraums(ed.)
- Pulp and Paper Magazine of Canada v.56 no.13 Determination of bark volumes and fuel properties Millikin,D.E.
- Whole Tree Weight Tables for New York, AERI Research Report No. 40 Monteith,D.B.
- Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California Urban Forest Development and Structure: Analysis of Oakland, California Nowak,D.J.
- Journal of Environmental Management v.37 Atmospheric carbon reduction by urban trees Nowak,D.J.
- Chicago's Urban Forest Climate Project, General Technical Report NE-186 Atmospheric carbon dioxide reduction by Chicago's urban forest Nowak,D.J.;McPherson,E.G.(ed.);D.J.Nowak(ed.);R.A.Rowntree(ed.)
- Research Paper NC-133, USDA Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station Biomass Equation for Five Shrubs from Northeastern Minnesota Ohmann,L.F.;D.F.Grigal;R.B.Brander
- Analysis of Temperate Ecosystems, Ecological Studies 1 Carbon cycles and temperate woodlands Olson,J.S.;Reichle,D.E.(ed.)
- Forestry(British Journal) v.29 The Composition of tree leaves Ovington,J.D.
- Research Paper SE-223, USDA Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station Predicted Total-Tree Biomass of Understory Hardwoods Phillips,D.R.
- Energy and the Wood Products Industry Forest products energy overview Pingrey,D.W.
- American Scientist v.78 The global carbon cycle Post,W.M.;T.H.Peng;W.R.Emanuel;A.W.King;V.H.Dale;D.L.DeAngelis
- Carbon, and the Biosphere, Proceedings of the 24th Brookhaven Symposium in Biology Carbon flow and storage in a forest ecosystem Reichle,D.E.;B.E.Dinger;N.T.Edwards;W.F.Harris;P.Sollins;Woodwell,G.M.(ed.);E.V.Pecan(ed.)
- Journal of Arboriculture v.5 no.11 Modeling survival and consequent replacement needs in a street tree population Richards,N.A.
- Urban Ecology v.7 Diversity and stability in a street tree population Richards,N.A.
- Science v.248 A comparison of the contributions of various gases to the greenhouse effect Rodhe,H.
- Research Paper NC-178, USDA Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station Weights and Dimensional Properties of Shrubs and Small Tees of the Great Lakes Conifer Forest Roussopoulos,P.J.;R.M.Loomis
- Journal of Arboriculture v.17 no.10 Quantifying the role of urban forests in removing atmospheric carbon dioxide Rowntree,R.A.;D.J.Nowak
- Forests and Global Change v.1 Opportunities to increase urban forests and the potential impacts on carbon storage and conservation Sampson,R.N.;G.A.Moll;J.J.Kielbaso;Sampson,R.N.(ed.);D.Hair(ed.)
- Managing Planet Earth The changing climate Schneider,S.H.
- Research Paper NC-268, USDA Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station Factors and Equations to Estimate Forest Biomass in the North Central Region Smith,W.B.
- Research Note NC-299, USDA Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station Allometric Biomass Equations for 98 Species of Herbs, Shrubs, and Small Trees Smith,W.B.;G.J.Brand
- BC-X-183, Canadian Forestry Service, Pacific Forest Research Centre Equations Predicting Primary Productivity(Biomass) of Trees, Shrubs and Lesser Vegetation Based on Current Literature Stanek,W.;D.State
- Canadian Journal of Botany v.47 Weight-diameter relationships for 22 woody plant species Telfer,E.S.
- General Technical Report NE-69, USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station Biomass Equations for Major Tree Species of the Northeast Tritton,L.M.;J.M.Hornbeck
- Technical Note 235, USDA Forest Service Forest Products Laboratory Chemical Analysis of Wood USDA Forest Products Laboratory
- Climate Dynamics v.4 Climate sensitivity due to increased CO2: experiments with a coupled atmosphere and ocean general circulation model Washington,W.M.;G.A.Meehl
- Forestry Handbook(2nd ed.) Wenger,K.F.
- Primary Methods of assessing terrestrial productivity Whittaker,R.H.;P.L.Marks;Lieth,H.(ed.);R.H.Whittaker(ed.)