The Concepts of the Landscape : An Interpretation of related Chinese Characters

경'과 관련 술어의 개념에 관한 고찰 : 관련된 한자어의 해석을 중 심으로

  • 황기원 (서울대학교 환경대학원 환경조경학과)
  • Published : 1995.01.01


This study aims at scrutinizing the etymological meanings and literal usages of the term Gyung perse so as to clarify the traditional concepts formualted in the northeastern Asian countries. Related classical dictionaries and literatures in Korea and China were consulted intensively. Strictly speaking, the compound word gyung-gwan(景觀) composed of gyung(景:seen objects) and gwan(觀:seeing) in terms of word formation is not the synonym of the English term Landscpe. The Chinese character Gyung(景) composed of the character il(日:the Sun) and the character gyung(京:royal palace or capital city) originally indicated a brilliant and beautiful view of the capital city seen in a clear and bright daylight. Thereafter this ideographic letter had been used to indicate an unusual view which is aesthetically and can be used as a typical landscape schema or a model. Due to intrinsic nature of this kind of view, the meanings of gyung had been extended connotativelly as well as denotativelly: the meaning worthy of note in terms of landscape studies ar l) visible object which places some physical and psychological distance from the observer; 2)the scene or the backdrop of a theater, 3)a defined vista. With these in mind, meanings and usages of related terms as Kwung(光:light or bright), Pung(風:wind or fresh). Chi(致:fine), Mul(物:object or world), Gae (槪:general), Seung(勝:outstanding or surpassing), Saek(色:color or colorful), which had produced diversified and delicate connotations through compounding with the etymon Gyung, were reviewed.



  1. 木經全書 計成
  2. 時調 · 歌辭論 高敬植;金濟鉉
  3. 部首活用 基礎漢子明解 權智庸
  4. 語源論 金芳漢
  5. 中國文學과 自然美學 小尾郊一;尹壽榮(역)
  6. 古時調 千首選 沈載完(편저)
  7. 詩經 李基奭;韓百愚(역주)
  8. 韓國 漢詩의 理解 李炳疇
  9. 中國造景圖說 儲椒生;陳障德(편저)
  10. 中國造園士 張家驥
  11. 謙齋 鄭放 鄭良謨(감수)
  12. 中國詩歌選 池榮在(편역)
  13. 中國古代社會: 文字와 人類學의 透視 許進雄;洪熹(역)
  14. 漢文文法 洪寅杓
  15. 中國古代 庭園林의 分析 彭一剛;金種太(역)
  16. 韓國造景學會誌 v.17 no.2 한국 경관 의미에서 조명해 본 한국의 전통경관: 曲과 景을 중심으로 崔杞秀
  17. 韓國造景學會誌 v.17 no.1 景觀의 多義性에 관한 考察 黃琪源
  18. 環境論叢 v.30 郭熙의 林泉高致에 나타난 自然觀 黃琪源
  19. 環境論叢 v.32 園治·興造論 연구(2): 因借論을 중심으로 黃琪源
  20. 說文解字句讀 王筠(淸)
  21. 東亞새漢韓辭典 東亞出版社
  22. 辭海 香港:中華書局 分局
  23. 山水詩歌鑒賞辭典 中國旅游出版社
  24. 詩詞典故辭典 書海出版社
  25. 中國書畵辭典 華文出版社
  26. Etymological Dictionary of the English Language Skeat,W.W.
  27. Discovering the Vernacular Landscape Jackson,J.B.
  28. The Way of the Virtuous: the Influence of Art and Philosophy on Chinese Garden Design Hu,D.C.
  29. Landscape Design in Chinese Gardens Tsu,F.Ya-Sing
  30. Topophilia Tuan,Yi-Fu