하이퍼미디어 시스템과 정보검색

  • 발행 : 1995.01.01




  1. 한국통신학회논문지 v.18 no.8 멀티미디어 정보의 효율적인 검색을 위한 하이퍼미디어 시스템의 설계와 구현 고영곤;최윤철
  2. 대한인지공학회지 v.12 no.1 효율적인 탐색과 브라우징을 지원하는 하이퍼미디어 시스템의 사용자 인터페이스 설계 고영곤;최윤철
  3. 연세대학교 석사학위논문 SGML 문서의 논리적구조에 근거한 정보검색 시스템에 관한 연구 이택경
  4. 연세대학교 석사 논문 HyTime을 이용한 하이퍼미디어 시스템의 개발 홍진석
  5. The Research Potential of the Electronic OED2 Database at the University of Waterloo : a Guide for Scholars Berg,D.L.
  6. Journal of Americal Society for Information Science no.38 Knowledge-assisted document retrieval : II. The retireval process G.Biswas;J.Bezdek;V.Subramanian;M.Marques
  7. SGML : An Author's Guide Bryan,M.
  8. IEEE Computer v.2 no.9 Hypertext : An Introduction and Surveuy Conklin,E.J.
  9. Information Processing and Management v.23 Approaches to intelligent information retrieval Croft,W.
  10. Proc. of Hypertext/Hypermedia '91 Browsing in unstrukturierten hyperdokumenten G.Dittrich;K.Tochtermann
  11. Hypertext/Hypermedia Handbook Emily Berl;Joseph Devlin(ed.)
  12. Proc. of Hypertext '93 Exploring Large Hyperdocuments : Fisheye Views of Nested Networks Emanuel G. Noik
  13. Proc. of ACM Conference on Office Information Systems Seeing the forest for the tree : Hierachical display of hypertext structures Feiner,S.
  14. Proc. of ACM CHI'86 Conference on Human Factors in computing Systems Generalized Fisheye View Furnas,G.W.
  15. Technology and Learning v.3 no.2 Search Mode Strategies for Hypermedia Gay, Geri
  16. Examples of PAT applies to the Oxford English Dictionary Connet,G.H.
  17. Proc. of ACM SIRIG'89 Design of a browsing interface for information retrieval R.Godin;J.Gecsei;C.Pichet
  18. Proc. of the ACM CHI+GI '87 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems and Graphics Interface NoteCards in a Nutshell Halasz,F.G.;Moran,T.P.;Trigg,R.H.
  19. ISO 8879 Information Processing-SGML
  20. ISO 10744 Information Technology-Hy-Time
  21. Hypertext & Hypermedia Jokob Nielsen
  22. Intelligence Database Kamran,P.;Mark,C.;Setrag,K.;Harry,W.
  23. HyTime and SGML-Understanding the Hytime HyQ Query Language 1.1 Kimber,W.E
  24. Proceedings ACM Multimedia 93 HyOctane : A HyTime Engine for an MMIS Koegel,J.D.;Rutledge,L.W.;Rutledge,J.L.;Keskin,C.
  25. Proc. of ACM SIGIR Complete statistical indexing of text by overlapping word fragments Mah,C.;D'Amore,R.
  26. Proc. of Hypertext'89 Expressing Structural Queries in GaphLog Mariano P. Consens;Alberto O. Mendelzon
  27. IEEE Trans. SoftW. Eng. v.SE-11 A system for rule-based information retrieval McCune,B.;Tong,R.;Dean,J.;Shapiro,D.
  28. INTERACT'90 A fisheye presentation strategy : Aircraft maintenance data D.A.Mitt
  29. Proc. of HCL Multi-viewpoint perspective display methods : Formulation and application to compound graphs K.Misue;K.Sugiyama
  30. Comm. of the ACM v.34 no.11 The HyTime-Hypermedia/Time-based Document Structuring Language Newcomb,S.R.;Kipp,N.A.;Newcomb,V.T.
  31. A Text Display Tool : LECTOR Open Text Systems Inc.
  32. Hypertext'91 Proc. Don't Link Me In : Set Based Hypermedia for Taxonomic Reasoning Parunak,V.D.
  33. Information Retrieval van Rijsbergen,C.
  34. ACM Comm. v.31 no.7 KMS : A Distributed Hypermedia System for Managing Knowledge in Organizations Robert M. Akscyn;Donald L. McCracken;Elise A. Yoden
  35. Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval Salton,G.;McGill,M.J.
  36. Proc. of ACM CHI'92 Graphical fisheye views of graphs M.Sarker;M.H.Brown
  37. ACM-ACL-ALLC guidelines For the encoding the Interchange of Machine-Readable Texts Sperberg-McQueen,C.M.;Burnard, L.
  38. Proc. of the Human Factors Society 32nd Annual Meeting Browsing models for hypermedia databases Valdez,F.;Chignell,M.;Glenn,B.
  39. Databases : Improving Usability and Responsiveness Design aspects of the Query-by-Example database management language Zloof,M.;B.Schneiderman(ed.)