줄녹색박각시의 생활사에 관한 연구

Studies on the Life History of Cephonodes hylas (Linne) (Sphingidae: Lepidoptera)

  • 발행 : 1995.12.01


치자나무의 실생묘포장에서 잎을 식해하는줄녹색박각시의 생활사를 1984년부터 1985년까지 남해에서 조사한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 줄녹색박각시의 산란기간은 5월 하순부터 26일간이었고, 평균 20.4개의 알을 기주 식물의 잎 뒷면에 산란하였다. 산란후 14일부터 16일 사이에 부화하고, 부화율은 97.6%였다. 알은 타원형이고, 크기는 지름이 1.01mm 길이가 1.14 mm이고 난기간은 14.6일이다. 유충의 평균 길이는 1령이 $3.52\pm$1.01 mm, 2령이 $6.46\pm$0.45mm, 3령이 $13.19\pm$4.27mm, 4령이 $24.08\pm$2.22mm, 5령이 $43.71\pm$5.62 mm이고, 유충의 평균체중은 1령이 $13.34\pm$2.41mg, 2령이 $29.83\pm$6.88mg, 3령이 $76.64\pm$31.31mg, 4령이 $292.09\pm$107.70mg, 5령이 $2,144.84\pm$760.70mg이다. 유충기간은 7월부터 10월까지로 1령이, 12일, 2령이 36일, 3령이 32일, 4령이 16일, 5령이 20일로 총유충기간은 116일이었고, 유충기간 동안에 1마리의 유충이 실생묘 17.18주를 가해하였다. 제5령 유웅이 종령유충으로 평균 15 mm 땅속에 들어가 토립으로 집을 짓고, 그 속에서 번데기가 되어 월동하며, 번데기의 평균 길이는 33.6mm이고, 평균 체중은 2,032mg이다. 성충은 이듬해 5월 중순에서 하순까지 우화하는데, 성충의 성비는 암컷이 42.82%이고, 체색형의 비는 갈색형이 89.93%였다.

This study was carried out to investigate the life cycle of Cephonodes hylas (Linne), that is damaging to Gardenia jasminoides Ellis in the seedbed at Namhae during 1984 and 1985. Results are summarized as follows. The eggs were laid in mass on the leaf surface of the host plants. The oviposition period lasts for 26 days after late-May. The average number of eggs and average hatching rate were 20.36 and 97.61% , respectively. It takes 14-16 days until hatching. The egg shape was oval which its size was 1.01 mm in diameter and 1.48 mm in length. The body length of each larval instar from the 1st to the 5th were $3.52\pm$1.01, $6.46\pm$0.45, $13.19\pm$4.27, $24.08\pm$2.22 and $43.71\pm$5.62 mm, respectively. The average weight of each larval instar were $13.34\pm$2.41, $29.83\pm$6.88, $76.64\pm$31.31, $292.09\pm$107.70 and 2,$144.84\pm$760.70 mm, respectively. The larval period was observed from July to October, and total duration of larval stage was 116 days in which duration of each larval instar from the 1st to the 5th were 12, 36, 32, 16 and 20 days, respectively. During larval stage, a larvae feed on 17~18 seedlings. The 5th instar larvae built its place in soil for overwinter and became pupa. The body length of pupa was 33.6 mm and average weight was 2,032 mg Adult was emerged from overwintened pupa from mid through late-May in the followings year. The sex ratio of female was 42.82% and the color ratio of brown was 89.93%.
