- 소아과 v.30 극소체중아의 임상적 고찰 이종수
- 소아과 v.20 저출생 체중아의 신체발육에 관한 통계적 관찰 신정인;김상협
- 소아과 v.23 미숙아의 초기 체중 변화와 섭취량에 대한 관찰 정숙자;정간헌
- 소아과 v.34 극소 체중아에 관한 임상적 고찰 박성신;정지희
- 한국과학재단 보고서 영유아의 섭식과 성장발달에 관련된 식품영양 생태학적 연구 문수재(등)
- Food, nutrition, and diet therapy(7 ed.) Nourishing the premature and low birth weight infant. Nutrition in Infancy and Child-hood Mary J,O'Leary;Krause,M.V.(ed.);Mahan,L.K.(ed.)
- Federation Proc v.43 The effect of prematurity on milk composition and its physiological basis Anderson,G.H.
- J Pediatr v.99 Human milk feeding in premature infants : Protein, fat and carbohydrate balances in the first two weeks of life Atkinson,S.A.;Bryan,M.H.;Anderson,G.H.
- Am J Clin Nutr v.34 Energy and macronutrient content of human milk during early lactation from mothers giving birth prematurely and at term. Anderson,G.H.;Atkinson,S.A.;Bryan,M.H.
- J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr v.4 Feeding premature infants with human milk or preterm milk formula David,D.P.;Cooper,P.A.;Pothberg,A.D.
- J Pediatr v.93 Human milk : Comparison of nitrogen composition in milk from mothers of premature and fullterm infants Atkinson,S.A.;Bryon,M.H.
- Pediatr Res v.16 Differences in the composition of preterm and term human milk during early lactation Lemons,J.A.;Moye,L.;Hall,D.
- Am J Clin Nutr v.44 Docosahexaenoic acid status of preterm infants at birth and following feeding with human milk or formula Susan,E.C.;Philip,G.R.
- Pediatr Res v.15 Vitamin A,E,fat and cholesterol content of preterm and term human milk Gary,C.;Rita,T.;Mary,P.;Mary,D.;Matthew,G.
- World Rev Nutr Diet Basel Karger v.58 Aspects of childhood nutrition Bourne,G.H.
- 소아과 v.28 저체중 출생아의 영양 및 저체중 출생아용 특수분유에 관한 고찰 김경희;김충희
- Am J Nutr v.38 Comparison of the lipid composition of breast milk from mothers of term and preterm infants Bitman;Wood,L.;Hamosh,M.;Hamosh,P.;Mehta,N.R.
- Pediatrics v.1 Some observations on the feeding of premature infants based on twenty years' experience at the new Haven Hospital Grover,F.P.
- Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr v.1 Changes in the lipids of human milk from 2 to 16 weeks postpartum Clark,R.M.;Ferris,A.M.;Key,M.;Brown,P.B.;Hundrieser,K.E.;Jansen,R.G.
- J Lipid Res v.14 Determination of cholesterol using Ф-phthalaldehyde Rudel,L.L.;Morris,M.D.
- J Dairy Sci v.52 Preparation of milk fat methyl ester by alcoholysis in an essentially nonalcoholic solution Christopherson,S.W.;Glass,R.L.
- 연세대학교 박사학위 논문 수유기간에 따른 모유의 성분 함량과 수유부의 영양 상태에 관한 생태학적 연구 이민준
- J Pediatr v.106 Vitamin E status in preterm infants fed human milk or infant formula Gross,S.J.
- Trop Geogr Med v.44 Milk macronutrient level during the first month of term and preterm Nigerian mothers Udosen,E.O.;Ebong,P.E.
- Die Nahrung v.33 Comparative study on breast milk of mothers delivering preterm and term infants protein, fat, and lactose Abd El-Monein Hassan
- The Lancet v.5 Nutrition in the preterm infant Brooke,O.G.
- J Pediatr v.96 Nutritional composition of milk produced by mothers delivering preterm Cross,S.J.;David,R.J.;Bauman,L.
- Acta Pediatr Scand v.70 Comparison of the composition of breast milk from early growth of preterm infants Sann,L.;Bienvenu,P.
- Am J Clin Nutr v.40 The composition of preterm milk in relation to the degree of prematurity Lepage,G.;Collet,S.
- 한국영양학회 v.27 no.3 Preterm milk의 지질함량 안홍석;홍희정
- Am J Clin Nutr v.54 ω3 fatty acids in health and disease and in growth and development Simopolous,A.P.
- Arch Dis Child v.59 Preterm milk as a source of protein for low birthweight infants Lucas,A.;Hudson,G.J.
- Pediatr Res v.15 Bone mineralization in breast-fed premature infants Gary,C.;Laurie,M.;Catherine,R.
- Arch Dis Child v.60 Metabolic bone disease in preterm infants Brooke,O.G.;Lucas,A.