- J Am Diet Assoc v.83 no.5 Children's food patterns. A review : Ⅰ. Food preferences and feeding problems Hertzler,A.A.
- J Nutr Educ v.1 no.4 The White House Conference on Food, Nutrition, and Health : supplementary report from panel on popular education
- J Nutr Educ v.1 no.3 The White House Conference on Food, Nutrition, and Health : Recommendations of panels on nurtition teaching and education
- J Nutr Educ v.5 no.1;SUP.2 Methods and kinds of nutrition education (1962-72) : A selected annotated bibliography Wilson,C.;Knox,S.
- J Nutr Educ v.13 A nutrtion and physical fitness test for fifth and sixth grades Tinsley,A.M.;Houtkooper,L.B.;Engle,M.;Gibbs,J.C.
- J Nutr Educ v.5 no.1 Nutrition education practices in elementary schools in Hawaii Cortes,M.P.;Standal,B.R.
- Nutrition Achievement Tests National Dairy Council and Iowa State University
- J Nutr Educ v.13 The NATs-Nutrition Achievement Tests for the elementary grades Fanslow,A.M.;Brun,J.K.;Hausafus,C.
- J Nutr Educ v.13 A nutrition knowledge test for high school students Power,J.T.;Stolurow,K.A.;Orr,R.
- J Nutr Educ v.13 Development of NKT- A general nutrition knowledge test for teachers Lackey,C.J.;Kolasa,K.M.;Penner,K.P.;Mutch,B.L.
- J Nutr Educ v.13 A nutrition knowleldge test for nutritiion educators Byrd-Bredbenner,C.
- 한국영양학회지 v.23 no.3 우리나라 영양교육의 현황과 개선방안 모수미
- 영양사 보수교육 영양교육 이론과 실제 대한 영양사회
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- J Nutr Educ v.13 Correlates of nutrition knowledge in Canadian businessmen Woolcott,D.M.;George,F.
- Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology v.13 A revised socioeconomic index for occupations in Canada Blishen,B.R.;McRoberts
- Statistical Analytical System SAS
- J Am Diet Assoc v.92 Nutrition knowledge of active-duty navy personnel Trent,L.K.
- 한국영양학회지 v.15 no.3 유치원 보모의 영양지식과 태도에 관한 조사 최운정
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- 관동대학교 교육대학원 석사논문 영양교육을 위한 교육과정안 개발에 관한 연구 이정숙
- Measurement and evaluation in teaching Reliability and other desired characteristics Gronlund,N.E.
- J Nutr Educ v.5 Knowledge and belief in nutrition misconceptions Dugdale,A.E.;Chandler,D.;Baghurst,K.
- 학교학습과 교육평가 문항분석 황정규
- 한국영양식량학회지 v.19 no.4 학교급식 프로그램의 영양교육적 효과 - 급식교 및 비급식교 어린이의 식생활에서 본 - 김상애
- J Nutr Educ v.14 Nutrition knowledge of vegetarians and nonvegetarians Freeland-Graves,J.H.;Greninger,S.A.;Vickers,J.;Bradley,C.L.;Young,R.K.
- Am J Public Health v.67 Consumer nutrition knowledge and self-reported food shopping behavior Fusillo,A.E.;Beloian,A.M.
- J Am Diet Assoc v.91 Consumer's knowledge, understanding, and attitudes toward health claims on food labels Fullmer,S.;Geiger,C.J.;Parent,C.R.M.