Effect of Ginseng on the Preservability and Quality of Chinese Cabbage Kimchi

인삼첨가가 배추김치의 보존성과 품질에 미치는 영향

  • 김순동 (대구효성카톨릭대학교 식품공학과) ;
  • 장경숙 (경산대학교 식품과학과) ;
  • 김미정 (대구효성카톨릭대학교 식품공학과)
  • Published : 1995.04.01


This study was conducted to investigate the effect of ginseng on the preservability and quality of Chinese cabbage Kimchi. The effect of ginseng on the growth of Lactobacilli, pH, titratable acidity, amount of juice, sensory quality and fracitonation of cell wall ploysaccharides, and enzyme activities related to softening were examined during fermentation. Ginseng promoted the growth of L. brevis and it didn't influence L. plantarum and L. fermentum. But Leuc. mesenteroides and P. cerevisiae was inhibited a little by adding of ginseng. The quality of ginseng added Kimchi evaluated by nalysis of the pH, acidity, sensory quality, the amount of juice, and overall eating quality during fermentation was better than those of control Kimchi, and 2% ginseng added Kimchi was the best ont the preservability and quality. The activity of β -galactosidase in ginseng added Kimchi was higher than that of control Kimchi. But the activity of polygalacturonase in ginseng added Kimchi was the same as that of control Kimchi. Ginseng added Kimchi showed more desirable softness of tissue. This was the same result as the analysis of pectic substance and hemicellulosic polysaccharides composed of cell wall polysaccharides. The value of L(lightness) of ginseng added Kimchi was highly maintained during the edible period and the yellow color from the ginseng was moved to Kimchi tissue in the ginseng added Kimchi.



  1. 고려인삼 홍문화
  2. 식품과 영양 v.8 김치의 역사 및 식품영양적 고찰 이성우
  3. 한국식품과학지 v.21 열처리 및 겨자유의 첨가가 김치발효에 미치는 영향 홍완수;윤선
  4. 한국식문화학회지 v.6 인삼첨가 김치의 가식기간과 기호성에 미치는 영향 송태희,김상순
  5. Phytochem. v.14 Analysis of cell wall material from plant tissues : Extraction and purification Selvendran,R.R.
  6. Planta v.152 The polysaccharide structure of potato cell walls : Chemical fractionation Jarvis,M.C.;Hall,M.A.;Thelfall,D.R.;Friend,J.
  7. 한국식품과학회지 v.22 김치발효의 지표로서 미생물군집의 측정 한홍의;임종락;박현근
  8. Planta v.154 The proportion of calcium-bound pectin in plant cell walls Jarvis,M.C.
  9. Plant Physiol. v.63 Degradation of cell wall polysaccharides during tomato fruit ripening Gross,K.C.;Wallner,S.J.
  10. Analysis Biochem. v.4 A modified uronic acid carbazole reaction Bitter,T.;Muir,H.M.
  11. Methods in Enzymology v.8 Analysis of sugar found in glycoprotein Spiro,R.C.;Newfeld,E.F.(ed.);Ginsburg,V.(ed.)
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  14. 농업생물실험통계학 조재성;이광전
  15. 과연휘보 v.4 김치의 미생물학적 연구, 제 1보, 호기성세균의 분리와 동정 김호식;황규찬
  16. 한국영양식량학회지 v.17 김치의 부재료가 김치숙성에 미치는 효과 이신호;김순동
  17. 한국식품과학회지 v.21 김치의 숙성관련 주요 젖산균 살균에 대한 가열처리와 방사선 조사의 병응효과 변명우;차보숙;권중호;조한옥;김우정
  18. 원자력연구논문집 v.6 김치발효 중의 세균의 동적변화에 관한 연구 김호식;전재근
  19. 한국식품과학회지 v.16 김치발효에 미치는 온도 및 시험농도의 영향 민태익;권태완
  20. 한국식문화학회지 v.1 Kimch, 한국채소저장 식품 이철호
  21. 한국영양식량학회지 v.21 김치액의 색상에의한 배추김치의 품질평가 노홍균;이명희;이명숙;김순동
  22. 국립공업연구소 연구보고 v.20 김치제조에 관한 연구, 제 1보, 조미료첨가가 김치발효에 미치는 효과 안승요
  23. 한국식문화학회지 v.5 김치재료에 존재하는 pectinesterase, polygalacturonase 및 peroxidase 특성에 관한연구 박희옥;김기현;윤선
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