Preparation of Yogurt Added with Aloe vera and Its Quality Characteristics

Aloe vera가 첨가된 요구르트의 제조와 그 품질 특성

  • Published : 1995.04.01


Yogurt base were prepared from milk added with skim milk powder or Aloe vera powder and femented with lactic acid bacteria(the single or mixed strain of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus). The yogurt product were evaluated for acid production(pH, titratable acidity), number of viable cell, viscosity, sensory property and quality-keeping property. The composition of organic acid were also analyzed by HPLC. Addition of Aloe vera remarkably accelerated acid production, and titratable acidity of Aloe vera yogurts(1.293∼1.407%) after 24 hours incubation was higher than that of yogurts added with only skim milk powder(9.98∼1.110%). Yogurt fermented with the mixed strain of L. bulgaricus and Sc. thermophilus was more acidic than that of single strains. The propagation of lactic acid bacteria was stimulated by Aloe vera and the number of viable cell after 24 hours incubation were above 9.87log CFU/ml. Viscosity of Aloe vera yogurt(3,860∼4,300CPS) was higher than that of yogurt with only skim milk powder(2,402∼2,604CPS). The overall sensory score of Aloe vera yogurt femented by mixed strain was the best of tested yogurt. When yogurt with Aloe vera was kept at 5℃ for 15 day, it's quality-keeping property was relatively good. The major organic acid of Aloe vera yogurt was lactic acid and lactic acid content of yogurt increased by addition of Aloe vera powder. The citric acid content decreased wtih fermentation and malonic acid, pyroglutaric acid and α-ketoglutaric acid were analyzed out a little.



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