뇌졸중 환자 가족과 정상인에 있어서 혈압과 Na, K 섭취경향간의 상관관계 연구

A Study on Correlation between Blood Pressure and Dietary Na, K Intakes Pattern in the Family Members of Normal and Cerebrovascular Disease Patients

  • 김종대 (한림대학교 한국영양연구소) ;
  • 최면 (강원대학교 축산가공학과) ;
  • 주진순 (한림대학교 한국영양연구소)
  • Kim, Jong-Dai (Korea Nutrition Institute, Hallym University) ;
  • Choe, Myeon (Dept. of Animal Products Science, Kangweon National University) ;
  • Ju, Jin-Soon (Korea Nutrition Institute, Hallym University)
  • 발행 : 1995.02.01


Purpose of this study was to investigate correlation between blood pressure (systolic and diastolic) and dietary sodium, potassium intake pattern in the family members of normal cerebrovascular (CVA) disease, excluding patients themselves. Both mean values of systolic (125.8$\pm$23.7 vs 119.3$\pm$19.2mmHg) and diastolic(76.1$\pm$16.7 vs 71.6$\pm$12.5mmHg) bllood pressure in the family members of cerebrovascular disease patients were significantly higher than those of normal subjects. Systolic blood pressure was positively correlated with age, weibght, sodium in soybean paste, potassium in hotpepepr paste, soybean paste and meats in normal subjects group. In the family members of cerebrovascular patient, systolic blood pressure was possively correlated with age, weight, sodium in soy sauce, drinking water and potassium in soups. Interestingly, table salt intake was positively correlated with systosolic blood pressure in the family members of cerebrovascular disease patients. Diastolic bolld pressure was positively correlated with age, weight, table salt intake potassium in hotpepper paste and soybean paste in normal subjects group. Diastolic blood pressure was positively correlated with age, weight and table salt intake in the family members of cerebrovascular disease patients. Urinary potassium excretion was negatively correlated with both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in the family members of cerebrovascular disease patients.



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