Changes of RNA synthesis in Anther Wall of Brassica napus during Male Gametogenesis

  • Published : 1995.03.01


The distribution of RNA in the anther wall of Brassica napus during male gametogenesis was followed by 3H-uridine autoradiography. Silver grain(SG) density was not above background in the anther wall just after microspore was released from tetrad callose wall. Significant accumulation of SGs occurred in tapetum, endothecium, and epidermis before microspore vacuolation. Accumulation of RNA in the tapetal cells was peak before the vaculation occurred in the microspore. With the onset of tapetal senescence at the partially vacuolated microspore stage, SGs decreased and they completely disappeared in the tapetum at the bicelled pollen stage. Accumulation of RNA in the endothecial cells was peak after the microspore mitosis and continued just after the generative cell mitosis. Appreciable SGs also occurred in cells of epidermis from nonvacuolate microspore stage to bicelled pollen stage. During this period, SG density was almost same and was not high as compared with tapetum or endothecium. At tricelled mature pollen stage, no incorporation occurred in anther wall. SGs were found mostly over the nucleouls and chromation of the cell nuclei.
