지하수 관리와 수치 모델링

  • 발행 : 1995.08.01




  1. 대한 지하수 환경학회 춘계 학술회의 회의록 제주도 중심부 수리지질 자료의 미비가 해안 지역에 대한 수치실험에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구 박남식;이용두
  2. UR대응대 심포지엄 보고서 모델링에 의한 지하수 평가와 분석 이강근
  3. 대한 지질공학회지 v.3 no.1 지하수위 분포 모델링을 위한 Universal Kriging의 응용: Ⅰ. K계의 고유확률함수 정상용
  4. 대한 지질공학회지 v.3 no.1 지하수위 분포 모델링을 위한 Universal Kriging의 응용: Ⅱ. 제한적 최대 우도법 정상용
  5. 대한토목학회지 v.43 no.3 수질모델링 한건연
  6. Applied groundwater modeling: simulation of flow and advective transport Anderson,M.P.;W.W.Woessner
  7. Modelling groundwater flow and pollution Bear,J.;A.Verruijt
  8. Water Resources Research v.30 no.11 Determining the range of predictions of a groundwater model which arises from alternative calibrations Brooks,R.J.;D.N.Lerner;A.M.Tobias
  9. Eos v.76 no.17 Uncertainty analysis for groundwater models: a comparison of four methods Cooley,R.L.
  10. Water Resources Research v.30 no.12 The significance of heterogeneity of evolving scales to transport in porous formations Dagan,G.
  11. Water Resources Research v.31 no.2 Upscaling capillary pressure-saturation curves in heterogeneous porous media Desbarats,A.J.
  12. Genetic Algorithms Goldberg,D.E.
  13. Computational Methods in Subsurface Flow Huyakorn,P.S.;G.F.Pinder
  14. Eos v.74 no.16 Efficient composite modeling approach for 3D multiphase flow and solute transport in the subsurface Huyakorn,P.S.;Y.S.Wu;N.S.Park;S.Panday;Z.Saleem
  15. IGWMC Software Catalog IGWMC
  16. Computational Methods in Water Resources X Estimating continuous aquifer properties from field measurements: The inverse problem for groundwater flow and transport McLaughlin,D.B.;L.B.Reid
  17. Compuatational Methods in Water Resources X Comparison of two indicator simulation methods Opheys,S;A.F.B.Tompson;G.Rouve
  18. review of groundwater modeling needs for the US Army NRC,A.
  19. Hydraulic Engineering, Proc. of the Symposium v.1 A unified optimization-simulation aquifer management model Reely,B.T.;A.K.Tyagi
  20. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing v.15 no.2 Special section on iterative methods in numerical linear akgebra SIAM
  21. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing v.15 no.3 Special section on iterative methods in numerical linear akgebra SIAM
  22. Engineering hydrology, Proc. of the Symposium Model structure validation in groundwater modeling Sun,N.-Z.;M.-C.Jeng;M.-J.Horng;C.Wang;B.Mortazavi;W.W.-G.Yeh
  23. Water Resources Research v.31 no.1 A proposed geological parameterization method for parameter identification in three-dimentional groundwater modeling Sun,N.-Z.;M.-C.Jeng;W.W.-G.Yeh
  24. Water Resources Research v.26 no.10 Numerical simulation of solute transport in three-dimensional randomly heterogeneous porous media Tompson,A.F.B.;L.W.Gelhar
  25. Eos v.76 no.17 Application of genetic algorithms to groundwater management and remediation problems Wang,M.;C.Zheng;C.L.Karr;M.Sun