Reaction Sintered Mullite-Spinel-Zirconia Composites

반응소결 물라이트-스프넬-지르코니아 복합체에 관한 연구

  • 박홍채 (부산대학교 무기재료공학과) ;
  • 편지현 (부산대학교 무기재료공학과) ;
  • 이윤복 (부산대학교 무기재료공학과) ;
  • 류수착 (부산대학교 무기재료공학과) ;
  • 박성수 (부산대학교 무기재료공학과) ;
  • 오기동 (부산대학교 무기재료공학과)
  • Published : 1995.11.01


Mullite-spinel-zirconia composites were prepared by reaction sintering of calcined alumina and magnesia, and zircon powders. The influence of calcining temperature on densification processes and on mechaical properties of subsequently sintered compacts was investigated. The mullite was formed by the reaction of $\alpha$-Al2O3 and amorphous SiO2 at firing temperatures over 141$0^{\circ}C$. The mullitization proceeded more rapidly in the specimen calcined at 110$0^{\circ}C$ than at either 120$0^{\circ}C$ or 130$0^{\circ}C$. Microstructures before and after the mullitization (or mullite dissociation) showed different morphologies, and their effects on mechanical properties were significant. The flexural strength and fracture toughness of the specimen calcined at 130$0^{\circ}C$ and subsequently fired at 145$0^{\circ}C$ were 316 MPa and 4.2Mpa.m1/2, respectively.



  1. Introduction to Phase Equilibria in Ceramics C.J. Bergeron;S.H. Risbud
  2. Advances in Ceramics v.12 Microstructure and Property Development of In Situ-Reacted Mullite-ZrO₃Composites J.S. Wallace;G. Petzow;N. Claussen;N. Claussen(ed);M. Ruhle(ed);A.H. Heuer(ed)
  3. Mater.Sci Eng. v.71 Preparation and Properties of Reaction-Sintered Mullite-ZrO₂Ceramics P. Boch;J.P. Giry
  4. J.Mater.Sci v.20 no.7 High Temperature Mechanical Properties of Reaction-Sintered Mullite/Zirconia and Mullite/Allumina/Zirconia Composites G. Orange;G. Fantozzi;F. Cambier;C. Leblud;A. Anseau;A. Leviche
  5. J.Mater.Sci. v.19 no.9 Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mullite/ZrO₂Composites J.S. Moya;M.I. Osendi
  6. J.Am.Ceram.Soc. v.69 no.3 Processing and Microstructure of Mullite-Zirconia Composites Prepared from Sol-Gel Powders Q.M. Yuan;J.Q. Tan;J.Y. Shen;X.H. Zhu;Z.F. Yang
  7. Surface and Interfaces in Ceramic and Ceramics Metal Systems Development of Phases in in-situ Reacted Mullite-Zirconia Composites J.S. Wallace;N. Claussen;M. Ruhle;G. Petzow;J.A. Pask(ed);A.G. Evans(ed)
  8. J Am Ceram Soc v.66 Microstructure of Sintered Mullite-Zirconia Composites S. Prochazka;J.S. Wallace;N. Claussen
  9. J.Am.Ceram.Soc. v.61 Identification of Stages in Reactive Hot Pressing E.D. Rupo;T.E. Carruthers;R.J. Brook
  10. Science and Technology of Zirconia III v.24 Relations Among Microstructure and Mechnical Properties in Reaction-Sintered Mullite-Zirconia Composites;Advances in Ceramics A. Leriche;M. Deletter;F. Cambier;S. Somiya(ed);N. Yamamoto(ed);H. Hangida(ed)
  11. Ceramic Materials Components for Engines Reaction Sintering of Mullite-Based Ceramics P. Boch;J.P. Giry;P.D.D. Rodgiro;W. Bunk(ed);H. Hausner(ed)
  12. 공업화학 v.5 no.6 지르콘의 탄소열환원에 의한 ZrC/SiC의 합성 박홍채;이윤복;이철규;오기동
  13. J.Mater.Sci. v.20 Multicomponent Toughened Ceramic Materials Obtained by Reaction Sintering Part 1 ZrO₂-Al₂O₃-SiO₂-CaO System P Pena;P. Miranzo;J.S. Moya;S.D. Aza
  14. J.Am.Ceram.Soc. v.67 no.6 Calibration Curve for Quantitative Analysis of the Monoclinic-Tetragonal ZrO₂System by X-ray Diffraction H. Toraya;M. Yoshimura;S. Somiva
  15. J.Mater.Sci.Letter v.1 Evaluation of KIC of brittle Solids by the Indentation Method with Low Crack-to Indent Ratio K. Nuhara;R. Morena
  16. J.Mater.Sci. v.20 Multicomponent Toughened Ceramic Materials Obtained by Reaction Sintering: Part 2 System ZrO₂-Al₂O₃-SiO₂-MgO P. Miranzo;P. Pena;J.S. Moya;S.D.Aza
  17. J Ceram Soc Jap v.89 no.6 Formation Process of Spinel(MgAl₂O₄) by a Thermal Decomposition of a Freeze Dried Sulfate T. Hattori;J. Mohri