- Introduction to Phase Equilibria in Ceramics C.J. Bergeron;S.H. Risbud
- Advances in Ceramics v.12 Microstructure and Property Development of In Situ-Reacted Mullite-ZrO₃Composites J.S. Wallace;G. Petzow;N. Claussen;N. Claussen(ed);M. Ruhle(ed);A.H. Heuer(ed)
- Mater.Sci Eng. v.71 Preparation and Properties of Reaction-Sintered Mullite-ZrO₂Ceramics P. Boch;J.P. Giry
- J.Mater.Sci v.20 no.7 High Temperature Mechanical Properties of Reaction-Sintered Mullite/Zirconia and Mullite/Allumina/Zirconia Composites G. Orange;G. Fantozzi;F. Cambier;C. Leblud;A. Anseau;A. Leviche
- J.Mater.Sci. v.19 no.9 Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mullite/ZrO₂Composites J.S. Moya;M.I. Osendi
- J.Am.Ceram.Soc. v.69 no.3 Processing and Microstructure of Mullite-Zirconia Composites Prepared from Sol-Gel Powders Q.M. Yuan;J.Q. Tan;J.Y. Shen;X.H. Zhu;Z.F. Yang
- Surface and Interfaces in Ceramic and Ceramics Metal Systems Development of Phases in in-situ Reacted Mullite-Zirconia Composites J.S. Wallace;N. Claussen;M. Ruhle;G. Petzow;J.A. Pask(ed);A.G. Evans(ed)
- J Am Ceram Soc v.66 Microstructure of Sintered Mullite-Zirconia Composites S. Prochazka;J.S. Wallace;N. Claussen
- J.Am.Ceram.Soc. v.61 Identification of Stages in Reactive Hot Pressing E.D. Rupo;T.E. Carruthers;R.J. Brook
- Science and Technology of Zirconia III v.24 Relations Among Microstructure and Mechnical Properties in Reaction-Sintered Mullite-Zirconia Composites;Advances in Ceramics A. Leriche;M. Deletter;F. Cambier;S. Somiya(ed);N. Yamamoto(ed);H. Hangida(ed)
- Ceramic Materials Components for Engines Reaction Sintering of Mullite-Based Ceramics P. Boch;J.P. Giry;P.D.D. Rodgiro;W. Bunk(ed);H. Hausner(ed)
- 공업화학 v.5 no.6 지르콘의 탄소열환원에 의한 ZrC/SiC의 합성 박홍채;이윤복;이철규;오기동
- J.Mater.Sci. v.20 Multicomponent Toughened Ceramic Materials Obtained by Reaction Sintering Part 1 ZrO₂-Al₂O₃-SiO₂-CaO System P Pena;P. Miranzo;J.S. Moya;S.D. Aza
- J.Am.Ceram.Soc. v.67 no.6 Calibration Curve for Quantitative Analysis of the Monoclinic-Tetragonal ZrO₂System by X-ray Diffraction H. Toraya;M. Yoshimura;S. Somiva
- J.Mater.Sci.Letter v.1 Evaluation of KIC of brittle Solids by the Indentation Method with Low Crack-to Indent Ratio K. Nuhara;R. Morena
- J.Mater.Sci. v.20 Multicomponent Toughened Ceramic Materials Obtained by Reaction Sintering: Part 2 System ZrO₂-Al₂O₃-SiO₂-MgO P. Miranzo;P. Pena;J.S. Moya;S.D.Aza
- J Ceram Soc Jap v.89 no.6 Formation Process of Spinel(MgAl₂O₄) by a Thermal Decomposition of a Freeze Dried Sulfate T. Hattori;J. Mohri