진동 측정용 압전형 가속도센서의 압전특성 효과

Influence of Effective Piezoelectric Properties on Performance of Piezoelectric Accelerometer for Vibration Measurements

  • 권정락 ((주) 포스콘 기술연구소)
  • 발행 : 1995.08.01


In order to investigate the performance of compression-type accelerometer on piezoelectric properties, PZT materials have been studied. The ring-shaped piezoelectric elements were prepared using commercial PZT powders by conventional ceramic process. Their estimated relative dielectric constant, piezoelectric charge constant (d33) and voltage constant (g33) values showed 390∼3400, (90∼593)×10-12 C/N and (19.5∼40.5)×10-3 V-m/N, respectively. The charge sensitivity of accelerometer is proportional to the piezoelectric charge constant value (d33) of PZT, but its voltage sensitivity is related with the piezoelectric voltage constant (g33). Since the mounted resonance frequency and sensitivity are dependent on the seismic mass as well as physical charateristics and size of PZT elements, the suitable considerations between two components are required for accelerometer's design.



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