A Study on thed Literature of Chinese Shroud

중국수의의 문헌적 고찰

  • Published : 1995.08.01


Chinese shroud through literatures are as follows. 1. Taetae, Sime i, P'oo, Hansam, Ko, Mal, Nukpaek, Kwatu, Cu'ungi, Pokk n, Myokmok, Ri, Aksu, Mo and m were used the most in China. 2. The cloths of Chinese shroud were p'o, Paek, Kyon and Kum. The colors of the Chinese shroud were Hyon, Hun and white. 3. The size of the Chinese shroud is as follows. The size of the Ch'ungi was similar to the size of jujube kernel, the length of Myokmok was one Ch' k two Ch'on or one Ch' k five Ch'on, the length of Aksu was one Ch' k two Ch'on and it's width was five Ch'on. The chil of Mo reached the hands and the length of Swae was three Ch' k and the length of m was five Ch'on. 4. In Chinese shroud, cotton was put in P'oo, Aksu was tide by the strings at two corners. Myokmok was tied by the strings of four corners. The tip of the m was divided and Mo wrapped the whole body. 5. The clothes of Soryom was nineteen Ch'ing. The clothes of Taeryom in Kun were one hundred Ch'ing in the Chinese. The impliment of Soryom were Kum, Kyo, Sange i, Sane i, Ch'im, Yok and Kyon in the Chinese shroud. In the case of the implement of Taeryom, the chinese shroud had Kum, Kyo, Sange i, Sane i, Ch'im and Yok.
