조사도 복식에 관한 연구-전라도지역 사찰 소장 조사도를 중심으로-

  • Published : 1995.08.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate to the costumes in a portrait of the Buddhist Monk of JUN-NAM's local Temple. The Kasa was used to base of the rule be-cause this was not our's own costumes. There-fore size, form, wearing-assistance ornament of Kasa were to similiar to the rule's Kasa. But in case of color were used to pink, yellow, chest-nut except the red color. A Buddhist monk's robe were putted on adapt to climate in our nation. Without special condition, a Buddhist monk's robe were used to varied color, that is grey, green, pink, blue,(light, navy) blue, chestnut etc.
