- J. Bacteriol. v.60 Ion antagonisms in microorgnisms: Interference of normal magnesium metabolism by nickel, cobalt, cadmium, zinc and manganese Abelson,P.H.;E.Aldous
- Water Res. v.16 Microbial uptake of cadmium and tis effects on the biochemical oxygen demand at various temperatures Ajmal,M.;A.A.Nomai
- Water Res. v.18 Effect of water hardness on the toxicity of cadmium to microorganisms Ajmal,M.;A.U.Khan
- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.33 Sensitivity of various bacteria, including actinomycetes, and fungi to cadmium and the influence of pH on sensitivity Babich,H.;G.Stozky
- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.33 Reduction in the toxicity of cadmium to microorganisms by clay minerals Babich,H.;G.Stozky
- J. Soil. Sci. v.40 Effect of microorganisms on extractbility of Cd from soil with NaOH and DTPA Bollg,J.M.;J.Czaban
- Water Res. v.13 Metal removal in activated sludge: The role of bacterial extracellular polymers Brown,M.J.;J.N.Lester
- Appl. Microbiol. v.29 Effect of cadmium on the growth and uptake of cadmium by microorganisms Doyle,J.J.;R.T.Marshall;W.H.Pfander
- Dev Ind. Microbiol. v.9 Concentration and accumulation of metallic ions by the bacterium Zoogloea Friedman,B.A.;P.R.Dugan
- Soil. Sci. v.152 Adsorption of cadmium and copper by manganess oxisde Fu,G.;H.E.Allen;C.E.Cowan
- Water Res. v.7 The influen(e of substrates, pH, diet and temperature upon cadmium accumulation in the asatic clam in laboratory artificial streams Graney,Jr,R.L.;D.S.Cherry;J.Carins,Jr.
- J. Environ. Quality v.3 Plant uptake of cadmium as influenced by cation exchange capacity, organic matter, zinc, and soil temperature Haghiri,F.
- Environ. Res. v.14 Toxicity and bioaccumulation of cadmium in Chlorella pyrenoidosa Hart,B.A.;B.D.Sciife
- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.47 Removal of cadmium by microorganisms in a two-stage chemostat Houba,C.;J.Remacle
- Mar. Biol. v.2 Effects of environmental factors on cadmium uptake by four marine bivalves Jackim,E.;R.Steel
- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.43 Sorption of cadmium by microorganisms in competition with other soil constituents Kurek,E.;J.M.Bollag
- Metabolism of ethanol In Metabolic aspects of alcoholism Lieber,C.S.
- J. Bacteriol. v.121 Molecular mechanisms of accomodation in E. coli to toxic levels of Cd² Mitra,R.S.;R.H.Gray;I.A.Bernstein
- Water Res. v.10 Passage of metals in effluent through bacteria to higher organisms Patrick,F.N.M.;M.Loutit
- Sci. Prog. v.59 Unusual accumulation of elements by plants and animals Peterson,P.J.
- Water Res. v.15 Cadmium uptake by freshwater bacterial communities Remacle,J.