- Am. Fish Soc. Publ. v.5 Vibrio disease in marine fishes Anderson,J.I.W.;D.A.Conroy
- Zentralbl. Bakertiol. Parasitenkd. Infektionskr. Hyg. Abt. 1. Orig. v.62 Eineansteckende Augenkrankheit, Keratomalacie. bei Dorschen und der Sudkuste Schwedens Bergman,A.M.
- J. Bacteriol. v.152 Phospholipase C(geat-labile hemolysin) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Production and preliminary charcterization Berka,R.M.;M.L.Vasil
- J. Med. Micribiol. v.15 Cytotoxic activity of partially purified Escherichi coli alpha-hemolysin Cavalieri,S.J.;I.S.Snyder
- Kor. Jour. Microbiol. v.32 Virulence evaluation of Vibrio anguillarum in accordance with hemolytic activity on human red blood cells Choe,Y.;G.Jeong
- Infect. Immun. v.18 Evidence for plasmid contribution to the virulence of the fish pathogen Vibrio anguillarum Crosa,J.H.;M.H.Schiewe;S.Falkaw
- Infect. Immun. v.27 Curing of a plasmid is correlated with an attenuation of virulence in the marine fish pathogen Ⅴ Crosa,J.H.;L.L.Hodges;M.H.Schiewe
- Infect. Immun. v.31 Outer membrane proteins induced under conditions of iron limitation in the marine fish pathogen Vibrio angullarum Crosa,J.H.;L.L.Hodges
- Ann. N.Y. Aca. Sci. v.121 Disk electrophoresisⅡ. Method acid application to human serum proteins Davis,B.J.
- J. Bacteriol. Rev. v.47 Lecithinase production in gram negative bacteria Esselman,M.;P.V.Liu
- J. Fish Res. Board Can. v.1 First records of vibriosis in Pacific salmon cultured in Canada and taxonomic status of the responsible bacterium, Vibrio anguillarum Evelyin,T.P.T.
- J. Biol. Chem. v.250 High resolution two-dimensional electrophoresis of proteins O'Farrell,P.H.
- J. Fish Biol. v.4 The occurrence of vibrio diseases in wild Norwegian fish Haastein,T.;G.Holt
- J. Wild. Dis. v.7 Vibrio infection in tropical fish in a freshwater aquarium Hacking,M.A.;J.Budd
- Fish Bull. U.S. v.74 Isolation and description of two vibrios pathogenic to Pacific salmon in Puget Sound, Washington Harrell,L.W.;A.J.Nowotny;M.H.Schiewe;H.O.Hodgins
- Fish Pathol. v.19 Toxicity of extacellular products of Vibrio anguilarum Inamura,H.;K.Muroga;T.Nakai
- Fish Pathol. v.29 Partial purification of extracellular substance of Vibrio anguillarum toxigenic for rainbow trout and mouse Kodama,H.;M.Moustafa;T.Mikami;H.Izawa
- Kor. Jour. Microbiol. v.32 Characterization of the nature of virulency caused by Vibrio anguillarum: Identification of an outer membrane protein rendering virulency Lee,J.S.;G.Jeong;Y.C.Hah
- Can J. Microbiol. v.18 Vibrio anguillarum as a cause of disease in winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) Levine,M.A.;R.E.Wolke;V.J.Cambelli
- J. Med. Micribiol. v.15 The role of alpha-hemolysin in the virulence of Escherichia coli for mice Lingood,M.A.;P.L.ingram
- Nature (London) v.188 A filtrable hemolysin from Escherichia coli Lovell,R.;T.A.Rees
- Infect. Immun. v.57 Cloning and nucleotide sequence of the gene (trh) encoding the hemolysin related to the thermostable direct hemolysin of Vibrio parahemolyticus Nishibuchi,N.;T.Taniguchi;T.Misawa;V.Khaeomanee-Iam;T.Honda;T.Waton
- J. Immunol. v.126 The complement system of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri)Ⅰ. Identification of the serum lytic system homologous to mammalian complement Nonaka,M.;N.Yamaguchi;s.N.Saiki;M.Takahashi
- J. Med. Micribiol. v.7 The kinetics of erythrocyte lysis by Escherichia coli hemolysin Rennie,R.P.;J.H.Freer;J.P.Arbuthnott
- The bacteriology of teleosts In Fish Pathology Richards,R.H.;R.J.Roberts;R.J.Roberts(ed.)
- Prg. Fish Cult. v.21 Vibrio infection among marine and fresh water fish Rucker,R.R.
- Am. Fish. Soc. Publ. v.83 Infections diseases of Pacific salmon trians Rucker,R.R.;B.J.Earp;E.J.Ordal
- Infect. Immun. v.3 Properties of the hemolytic activity of Escherichia coli Short,E.C.Jr.;H.J.Kurtz
- J. Gen. Microbiol. v.24 A disease of finnock due to Vibirio anguillarum Smith,I.W.
- J. Bacteriol. v.144 Production and characterization of hemolysins of Eshcerichia coli Snyder,I.S.;N.A.Koch
- Infect. Immun. v.58 Effect of Escherichia coli hemolysin on the endothelial cell function Suttorp,N.;B.Floer;H.Schnittler;W.Seegers;S.Bhakdi
- Infect. Immun. v.42 In vivo function of hemolysin in the nephropathogenecity of Escherichia coli Waalwijk,C.;D.M.Maclaren; Graff