Identification of hemolysin as one of the important virulent factors in vibrio anguillarum V7

  • Choe, Young-Chool (Research Center for Molecular Microbiology, Seoul National University) ;
  • Jeong, Gajin (Research Center for Molecular Microbiology, Seoul National University)
  • Published : 1995.12.01


We have identified hemolysin rendering virulency of Vibrio anguilarum grown at 23.deg.C which was evaluated on human RBCs. Hemolysin itself was separated as a single band on non-denaturing gel electrophoresis. Vibrio hemolysin was destroyed by trypsin and proteinase K and was heat labile. Optimal pH for activity was around pH 6 while pI of the molecule was recognized as 5.7, with relative distance (R$\sub$f/) on non-denaturing gel was 0.7. Addition of EDTA and FeCI$\sub$3/ drew the possibility that the production of hemolysin was mainly induced to overcome iron deficiency inside host animalsd infection.



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