- Kor. Jour. Limn. v.22 On the kinetics of alkaline phosphatase activity in Lake Soyang Ahn,T.S.;B.C.Kim;K.S.Cho
- Kor. Jour. Microbiol. v.29 Seasonal variation of heterotrophic activity in the estuary of Naktong river over half tidal cycle and salinity effect Ahn,T.Y.;J.C.Park;Y.C.Hah
- Role of cto-phosphohydrolases in phosphorus regeneration in esturine and coastal ecosystems In Microbial enzymes in aquatic environments Ammerman,J.W.;R.J.Chrost(ed.s0
- Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater(18th ed.) APHA
- Limnol. Oceanogr. v.9 Alkaline phosphatases and phosphorus availability in Lake Kinneret Berman,T.
- Limnol. Oceanogr. v.29 Are the phosphatases released by Daphnia magna components of its food? Boavida,M.J.;R.T.Heath
- Kor. Jour. Microbiol. v.31 Variation of microbial populations and phosphorous concentration at the red tide area in Lake Soyang Cho,Y.C.;C.H.Kang;S.J.Kim
- Kor. Jour. Microbiol. v.30 Degradation of organic phosphate in Lake Soyang Choi,S.I.;T.S.Ahn;B.C.Kim
- Limnol. Oceanogr. v.34 Characterization and significance of β-glucosidase in lake water Chrost,R.J.
- Environmental control of the synthesis and activity of aquatic microbial ectoenzymes In Microbial enzymes in aquatic environments Chrost,R.J.
- Microbial enzymatic degradation and utilization of organic matter in Pluβsee In Microbial ecology of Lake Pluβsee Chrost,R.J.;R.J.Chrost(eds.);J.Overbeck(eds.)
- Microbial ecology v.13 Kinetics of alkaline phosphatase activity and phosphorus availability for phytoplankton and bacterioplankton in lake Pluβsee Chrost,R.J.;J.Overbeck
- Limnol. Oceanogr. v.33 Nutrient limitation of phytoplankton in freshwater and marine environments: Review of recent evidence on the effect of enrichment Hecky,R.E.;P.Kilham
- Murine ecology progress series v.1 Significance of exoenzymatic activities in the ecology brackish water: Measurements by means of methylumbelliferyl-substrate Hoppe,H.G.
- Science v.194 Phosphatases in lake water: Characterization of enzymes from phytoplankton and zooplankton by gel filtration Jansson,M.
- Hydrobiologia v.170 Phosphatase: Origin, characteristics and function in lakes Jansson,M.;H.Olsson;K.Petterson
- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.51 Characterization of β-glucosidase activity in intertidal marine sediments King,G.M.
- Extracellular enzyme activity in eutrophic and polyhumic lakes In Aquatic Microbial enzymes in aquatic environments Munster,U.;R.J.Chrost(ed.)
- Origin, composition, and microbial utilization of dissolved organic matter In Aquatic Microbial Ecology Munster,U.;R.J.Chrost;R.J.Chrost(eds.)
- Freshwater biology v.23 Phosphatase activity in relation to phytoplankton composition and pH in Swedish lakes Olsson,H.
- Aquatic microbiology Reinheimer,G.
- Pol. Arch. Hydrobiol. v.31 Phosphates and their role in organic phosphorus transtormation in natural waters. A review Siuda,W.