랫트를 이용한 정자독성평가 연구

A Study on the Spermatotoxicity Evaluation in Rats

  • 정문구 (한국화학연구소 안정성연구부) ;
  • 김종춘 (한국화학연구소 안정성연구부)
  • 발행 : 1995.06.01


The present study was carried out to establish several spermatotoxicity test methods. For this purpose we investigated following parameters in the fertility study of DA-125, a new anticancer agent, in rats: testicular spermatid counts, epididymal sperm counts, daily sperm production rate, sperm morphology, and serum testosterone concentration. Motility and velocity of sperms were also measured using non-treated rats. At 0.3 mg DA-125/kg, spermatids per 1g testis and daily sperm production rate per 1g testis were significantly decreased, when compared with those of control group. Several types of abnormal sperms, such as no head, pin head, double head, hook at wrong angle, no tail, and small sperm, were found in both treated and control groups at a low frequency. Serum testosterone concentration at 0.3 mg DA-125/kg was close to the control value. Sperm motility and velocity measured with non-treated rats were in a good agreement with the results of other investigators. In our study established spermatotoxicity test methods can be used as a tool not only for the close examination of the cause of drug- or chemical-induced infertility, but also for the effective evaluation of reproductive toxicity.



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