Drought Index Calculation for Irrigation Reservoirs

관개용 저수지의 한발지수산정

  • Published : 1995.12.01


Drought index calculation based on the principal hydrological parameters, such as rainfall and reservoir storage, can estimate the duration and intensity of drought in irrigation reservoirs. It is difficult to build up a drought criteria since the conditions change variously by the reliability of rainfall. Because of the increasing water demands, it is urgent to prepare a generalized positive countermeasure to overcome drought. Water demands can at calculated but the estimation of drought characteristics, and the effective water management method can be established. The purpose of this study is to obtain a drought index and build up a data-base on the reservoir basins for establishing the fundamental hydrological data-base. This Index can observe the behavior of the WSI(Water Supply Index) and the component indices. The results summarized through this study are as follows. 1. WSI value of zero does not correspond to 100% in average due to the skewness in the probability distributions. 2. WSI is not a linear index; that is, given change in terms of water volume or percentage of average does not result in a proportional change on the WSI scale. 3. WSI is not always between the reservoir and the rainfall index in magnitude. This is only true if the component indices are of opposite sign. If they are of the same sign, the SWSI will often have a mangitude greater than either of the component indices. This is easily understood, because the concurrence of extreme values of the same sign for the two components is rarer than the occurrence of extreme values for either of the two components individually.



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