- 농어촌용수 이용 합리화계획 자료정보 D/B 구축연구(I) 고재군;정하우(외)
- 서울대학교 석사학위 논문 지표배수량 산정을 위한 지리정보시스템의 응용모형 개발 김대식
- 서울대학교 석사학위 논문 수문모형 ANSWERS의 반월유역에의 적용 김병진
- 지리정보론 유근배
- Ph. D. Thesis, The University of Connecticut Digital hydrologic modeling methods for water resoureces engineering with application to the Braod Brook Watershed(Connecticut) Allen,S.J.
- Trans. ASAE Predicting peak runoff rate for ungaged watershed Anderson,L.O.;C.L.Larson
- ASAE Proceedings of the 18-19 June 1993 Conference Continuous time, GRID cell watershed model Arnold,J.G.(et al.)
- J. of Computing in Civil Engineering v.7 no.3 DEM aggregation and smoothing effects on surface runoff modeling Baxter,E.V.
- Ph. D. Thesis. University of Calgary A physically-based flood prediction model aided by a Geographic Information System Chang,C.
- Ph. D. Thesis. University of Rhode Island The integration of hydrologic simulation models and geographic information Chase,S.B.
- Applied hydrology Chow,V.T.(et al.)
- Ph. D. Thesis. The University of Texas at Austin Integrating a finite element model with a Geographic Information System to model urban stormwater flow Cuhadaroglu,M.
- MS. Thesis. University of Louisville Application of Geographic Information Systems in hydrologic modeling Devulapalli,R.S.
- J. of Hydrology v.17 Hydrologic modeling parameter estimation and watershed characteristics James,L.D.
- ASAE, Proceedings of the 1988 International Symposium Input data development for a distributed parameter hydrologic model(FESHM) Mary,L.W.(et al.)
- J. of Water Res. Plan. and Man. v.118 no.5 Hydrologic parameter estimation using Geographic Information System Nageshwar,R.B.(et al.)
- Ph. D. Thesis. Purdue University ANSWERS on GRASS : Integration of a watershed simulation with a Geographic Information System(Nonpoint Source Pollution) Rewerts,C.C.
- ASAE, Proceedings of the 18-19 June 1993 conference A GIS-Watershed hydrology model link to evaluate water resources of the lower Colorado river in Texas Rosenthal,W.D.(et al.)
- Ph. D. Thesis. Texas A&M University Automation of data input in the A&M watershed model using GIS Steenberghen,T.M.
- J. of Water Resour. Planning and Management, ASCE v.119 no.2 Geographic Information Systems in urban storm water management Steffen,P.M.;H.S.Tarek;W.L.Jhon