No-fines Concrete의 공학적 특성

Engineering Properties of No-fines Concrete

  • 발행 : 1995.03.01


This study was carried out to investigate the engineering properties of no-fines con- crete, consisting only of coarse aggregate, cement and water. The used coarse aggregates were two, one is natural coarse aggregate grading 4.75~ lOmm, the other is synthetic lightweight coarse aggregate grading 3~8mm. The results of this study are summarized as follows; 1. The W/C ratio of each type was increased with increase of additional amount of coarse aggregate. 2. The unit weight of used ndtural coarse aggregate was shown 1.762~2.184g/cm$^3$, and synthetic lightweight coarse aggregate was shown 0.756 ~ 1 .348g/cm$^3$. 3. The ahsorption rate of used natural coarse aggregate was shown 8.4 ~ 9.4 %, and synthetic lightweight coarse aggregate was shown 17.0~42.4%. 4. The compressive, tensile and hending strength was decreased with increase of coarse aggregate, respectively. The compressive strength of natural coarse aggregate 1:3 was shown 309kg/cm$^2$. 5. The ultrasonic pulse velocity and dynamic medulus of elasticity of each type was de- creased with increase coarse aggregate, respectively. Also, the decreasing rate of the natural aggregate was larger than that of the synthetic lightweight coarse ag- gregate.



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