시설채소 생산시스템의 순 에너지 분석

Net Energy Analysis for Protected Vegetable Production System

  • 발행 : 1995.03.01


This paper presents analytic results of energy sequestered for the forcing cultural Cu- cumber and the others production system with the input-output tables method in the suthern parts of Korea. In this study an attempt is made to evaluate input of direct and indirect energy, output of yield energy and net energy in order to achieve increased energy productivity under P E greenhouse. Cultural practices were grouped soil and soilless with perlite for vegetable production. The results from this study are summarized as follows : 1. Total energy inputs in cucumber production were calculated to be 510 GJ/l0a(di- rect energy : 480 GJ/lOa, indirect energy : 30 GJ/lOa) from soil culture and 440 GJ/ 10a(direct energy : 420 GJ/lOa, indirect energy : 20 GJ/lOa) from soilless culture in perlite hydroponics. 2. Energy outputs from cucumber and biomass were 7 GJ/lOa and 120 GJ/lOa at a uniform rate respectively. 3. Heating fuel as diesel is a major energy inputs approaching 90% of the total energy requirements for cucumber production. 4. Net energy in cucumber production was calculated to be 503 GJ/lOa from soil cul- ture and 431 GJ/lOa from soilless culture. Net energy productivity was maintained costantly as 0.98. 5. Energy productivity in cucumber was calculated to be 0.029 kg/MJ from soil culture and 0.043kg/MJ from soilless culture, while energy efficiency was 0.012 and 0.015 respectively. It is expected that a soilless cultural production system seems to be reduc- tive in seguestered energy input by 13%.



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