- 대흉외지 v.24 승모판 치환술의 임상적 고찰 김상형;정전기
- 대흉외지 v.20 심장판막증의 외과적 치료 민용일;김상형;이동준
- 대흉외지 v.27 개심술 1,500례의 임상적 고찰 김주홍;오봉석;김상형;이동준
- 대흉외지 v.17 판막 치환 수술의 조기 및 장기 성적 유병하;김병열;이정윤;유희성
- Ann Surg. v.154 Mitral replacement, Clinical experience with a ball-val ve prosthesis Starr,A.;Edwards,M.L.
- 日胸外會誌 v.38 승모판 치환술에서의 인공판의 선택 靑柳成明 等
- 日胸外會誌 v.37 승모판 수술 증례에서의 술후 혈전 색전증 戶田省吾 等
- J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. v.100 Ten-year follow-up after valve replacement with St. Jude Medical prosthesis in children Harada Y.;Imai Y.(et al.)
- Journal of heart valve disease v.3 no.2 Long term res ults of surgery for prosthetic valve endocarditis Farina,G.;Vitale,N.;Piazza,L.;De Vivo,F.;de Luca,L.;Cotrufo,M.
- 순환기 v.3 no.2 승모판 대치 수술 전후의 심초음파도 소견의 변화 서정돈;이영우
- Circulation v.59 Temporal response of left ventricular performance to mitral valve surgery Schuler,G.;Peterson K.L.;Johnson,A.(et al.)
- Ann J Med v.68 End-systolic volume as a predictor of postoper ative left ventricular performance on volume overload from valvular regurgitation Borow,K.;Green,L.H.;Mann,T.(et al.)
- J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. v.47 Mitral valve replacement with preservation of papillary muscles and chordae tendinae Lillehei,C.W.;Levy,M.J.;Bonabeau,R.C.
- Circulation v.68 no.Suppl.2 The importance of mitral apparatus in left ventricular function after correction of mitral regurgitation David,T.E.;Uden,D.E.;Strauss,H.D.
- J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. v.96 Preservation of the posterior leaflet during mechanical valve replacement for ischemic mitral regugitation and complete myocardial revascularization Goor,D.A.;Mohr,R.;Lavee,J.;Serraf,A.;Smolonsky,A.
- Ann Thorc Surg. v.45 Mitral valve replacement with preservation of chordae tendinae and paillary muscles Miki,S.;kusuhara,K.;Ueda,Y.;Komeda,M.;Ohkita,Y.;Tahata,T.
- J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. v.99 Comparative assessment of chordal preservation versus chordal resection during mitral valve replacemenet Hennein,H.A.;Swain,J.A.;McIntosh,C.L.;Bonow,R.O.;Stone,C.D.;Clack,R.E.
- J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. v.95 Medtronic Hall valve replacement in a third-world population group : A review of the performance of 1000 prosthesis Antunes,M.J.;Wessels,A.;Sadowski,R.G.;Schutz,J.G.;Vanderdonck,K.M.
- 日胸外會誌 v.38 후천성 승모판막증에 합병된 삼천판 병변에 대한 술식 선택가 원격성적 林純一 等
- Ann Thorac Surg. v.45 Long-term results of mitral valve surgery in patients with severe pulmonary hypertension Camara,M.L.;Aris,A.;Padro,J.M.;Caralps,J.M.